
MINT - Multicast Packet Generator / News: Recent posts

Mint 1.2 released

Mint 1.2 has been released. MINT allows a network engineer to easly set up multicast sources and recievers to test a multicast network's ability to send and recieve packets. It is particuarly usefull in lab environments.

Posted by Mike Bernico 2002-11-07

MINT 1.1 released

MINT now includes a shared library suitable for use with other multicast applications.

Posted by Mike Bernico 2002-04-15

MINT .9 Released

MINT .9 is a full featured multicast packet generator that allows the user to choose how much traffic to send and at what quality of service. This is a "must have" utiltiy for network engineers working with multicast.

Posted by Mike Bernico 2002-02-13

Mint .03 has been released

MINT now formats it's recieved data in a much more useful way.

Posted by Mike Bernico 2002-01-14