
help with mbsaremote.

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    PC0022-XP-TWK is the computer to where I made the share on.

    Everything seems to work fine till I get to this point:

    d:\mbsafu\mbsaremote.exe \\Pc0022-xp-twk\Patches username password 600 > D:\mbsafu\results\remote-results.txt

    And I get this result: 

    Error while copying mbsaexec.exe to \\Pc0022-xp-twk\Patches: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.

    This is where I am stuck.  Any dieas as to why I cannot get the Username and Password to work?

    Thank you

    • Memet Anwar

      Memet Anwar - 2003-09-17

      I guess this mean you don't have mbsaexec.exe on the current directory ?

      try changing the working directory to mbsafu install-dir, verify that the file do exist, and re-run mbsaremote.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It appears to be looking for the patchlist file for that computer.  That comptuer is fully patched.  So there is no patchlist file for it.  How can I get it to stop looking for a patchlist file?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I did create a directory under mbsafu called install-dir.  That is where all the patches are downloaded.  I copied mbsaexec.exe to the install-dir and I still get:

      Error while copying mbsaexec.exe to \\Pc0022-xp-twk\install-dir: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.

      Like I said above, there was a .csv file that clearly said that it couldnt find the pc0022-xp-twk.patchlist file.  it dosent seem to get past this. 


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Ummm I really dont want to admit this, but it was a premission problem on the server.  After that everything ran very smooth.  Sorry for the inconvence!

      Thank you


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