

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    mbsaremote.exe \\fileserver\share Username Password 5 >> remoteex-result.csv

    Should the username and password be a machine account or can it be a domain user/pass?  Is it using this password to gain access to the share?  I have my shared folder set to allow "everyone" full permission

    The reason I ask is that I recieve the following in Remoteeex-result.csv

    "Error in service operation (this can be ignored if the patch was installed successfully) : (1326) Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      When I used it I put in the username and password of the remote machines I was patching. I had mixed results with this tool but I think the main issue was the documentation was a little hard to follow.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ah, seems I solved the problem.

      the sytax should be

      domain\username password
      not just
      username password

      Works like a charm!  Thanks Memet!


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