
Some machines not receiving correctly

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have tried several PC's with the following command line entry:
    mbsaremote.exe \\server\share 5 domain\username password 300 >>rempcname-result.csv
    For each hotfix in logged file the following result was given Example No 1:
    "300 second(s) expired. The process was cleanly terminated by mbsaexec"

    I have had one PC where it was slightly different where it actually said the following in the log file for itself Example No 2:
    "The requested operation is successful. Changes will not be effective until the system is rebooted".

    The problem is in the first example it didn't tell me there were any successes just that MBSAEXEC cleanly shut down the service. Then when I checked the 1st PC example with MBSA Windows interface none of the hotfixes have been applied. Any ideas please?
    Thanks in advance.

    • Memet Anwar

      Memet Anwar - 2003-11-03

      example 2 means success.

      example 1 means failure due to timeout; that is the patch did NOT complete successfully before the given timeout expired (300 seconds), and hence was terminated.

      You could try to lengthen the given timeout, or run the patch manually at the target to see what's wrong.


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