
#110 Select Alternate Application Icon

This is just an idea to help lazy simpletons like myself... (smile) I can work without this feature, but I think it would make one of the features easier for many people to use.

Many programs have more than one icon resource. I prefer to have icon-only tiles in the launcher and I prefer to choose an alternate icon from an application for additional tiles with different command line parameters. I was able to do this by using the browse icon option to locate the program executable and select an icon from it, but it felt rather cumbersome since I expected to be shown the program's icons to choose from as an obvious initial point for choosing an alternate icon.

Instead, I can stick with whatever default MaxLauncher has selected (icon zero from an application, not sure where they come from for non-application items.) Or I can browse through the icon DLL installed with Windows and, if I'm patient, I can use the icon browser to locate my executable and select the icon from the list I expected to see at the beginning of this process.

If the icon browser is a system tool that cannot be altered/extended to include a few 'quick select' options to choose the referenced program and the known icon collections in Windows, then perhaps the "select default" option could actually browse the referenced program executable instead of just forcing selection of icon zero?

Of course, when the tile's target is not be an executable, then the default icon option could either continue working as it does now, or it could browse the icons in the location where the default icon was selected.

Sorry if this is rather long, I'm thinking this out while entering this feature request. But the basic idea is to provide the referenced application's icons as a clear, easily accessible set of icon choices.


  • madproton

    madproton - 2020-11-24
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: madproton
  • madproton

    madproton - 2021-05-18
    • Milestone: -->

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