
Tree [332d13] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 ar 2022-04-15 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [3b1e57] Adds link to release 5.46.0
 contrib 2014-11-30 Jaime Villate Jaime Villate [4a8132] Adds the Spanish translation of "Related Projec...
 de 2023-06-03 Wolfgang Dautermann Wolfgang Dautermann [891ac5] Website: Mention 5.47.0 in de/index.html, faq.h...
 docs 2024-02-26 villate villate [b7ef74] Updated the screenshot of Xmaxima to a more rec...
 el 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [10c1d4] New version with simpler CSS design.
 es 2024-04-19 villate villate [332d13] Minor modifications to the Download page.
 fr 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [10c1d4] New version with simpler CSS design.
 img 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [10c1d4] New version with simpler CSS design.
 it 2022-04-15 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [3b1e57] Adds link to release 5.46.0
 ja 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [10c1d4] New version with simpler CSS design.
 ko 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [10c1d4] New version with simpler CSS design.
 misc 2017-09-09 Robert Dodier Robert Dodier [02db45] Add Fateman/Salz paper about simplifier to list...
 nl 2022-04-15 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [3b1e57] Adds link to release 5.46.0
 pl 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [10c1d4] New version with simpler CSS design.
 pt 2024-04-19 villate villate [332d13] Minor modifications to the Download page.
 ru 2022-04-15 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [3b1e57] Adds link to release 5.46.0
 sk 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [10c1d4] New version with simpler CSS design.
 tr 2022-04-15 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [3b1e57] Adds link to release 5.46.0
 zh 2022-04-15 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [3b1e57] Adds link to release 5.46.0
 .gitignore 2023-07-20 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [5c8a37] Makes git ignore the subdirectory ext, which co...
 .htaccess 2014-11-18 Jaime Villate Jaime Villate [da8a09] Redirects the old FAQ URL and fixes location of...
 3rdpartycode.html 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [f68d37] New version with simpler CSS design.
 404.html 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [f68d37] New version with simpler CSS design. 2023-07-20 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [4cb770] Fixes a typo in the README file.
 authorization-letter.html 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [f68d37] New version with simpler CSS design.
 compalg.html 2022-03-31 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [e045bd] Adds packages suggestions given in the mailing ...
 documentation.html 2023-07-20 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [b1e7ce] Documentation: adds link to the PDF version of ...
 download.html 2024-04-19 villate villate [332d13] Minor modifications to the Download page.
 faq.html 2023-06-03 Wolfgang Dautermann Wolfgang Dautermann [891ac5] Website: Mention 5.47.0 in de/index.html, faq.h...
 imaxima.html 2023-07-26 Leo Butler Leo Butler [3ae1cb] Bug report #4161 imaxima and imath web site not...
 index.html 2023-06-01 Viktor T. Toth Viktor T. Toth [a75dcb] Updating with the release of 5.47.0.
 lisp.html 2022-04-14 Wolfgang Dautermann Wolfgang Dautermann [8fe2fc] Web: Write ABCL as a <h4>-heading as other Lisp's.
 maxima.css 2022-04-02 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [fd45ed] Better formatting for the Maxima commands blocks.
 maximalist.html 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [f68d37] New version with simpler CSS design.
 project.html 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [f68d37] New version with simpler CSS design.
 relatedprojects.html 2023-07-26 Leo Butler Leo Butler [e82286] relatedprojects.html: minor edit
 robots.txt 2014-09-27 Jaime Villate Jaime Villate [12630f] New Website on HTML+CSS
 ui-tips.html 2022-03-30 Jaime E. Villate Jaime E. Villate [f68d37] New version with simpler CSS design.
 windows-install.html 2023-06-03 Wolfgang Dautermann Wolfgang Dautermann [891ac5] Website: Mention 5.47.0 in de/index.html, faq.h...

Read Me

Maxima Website

This is the GIT repository for the Website of project Maxima


You are welcome to keep a mirror of Maxima's Website in you own site or
to use it as a template for your own Website. To do that, you just have
to retrieve this repository somewhere in your own site. It will work
without any additional configuration or external files.

A copy of this repository will even work locally in your computer, even
if you don't have a Web server installed. This could be a handy way of
keeping a local copy of all the information in the Website. All you need
is a Web browser. Simply point your browser
to file:///dir/index.html, where dir is the name of the directory where
you retrieved this repository.


You can help us by correcting any typos you find, translating pages to
other languages or adding new pages. Just copy the page you are going to
modify or translate to your disk, edit it and send the result to

If you are a member of the project, you can also commit your changes
directly into the Git repository. If you are not a member but would
like to have write privileges to help improve the site, ask
or other project administrators to give you access.

After committing any modifications to the repository, the Sourceforge
Web server pages must be refreshed manually by copying any new files
and updating changed files in the Web server. If you are not a member
of the project, the project administrators will do that once they
become aware that the repository has changed or you can request a Web
server update in the mailing list.

If you are a member of the project and you use Linux, you can update the
pages in the Web server using rsync. First move to the directory where you
have your copy of the Web repository, make sure you don't have any additional
files or changes that have not been committed, and then issue the following

rsync -avz --exclude "ext" --delete *

Where username should be replaced with the username you use in
Sourceforge. In addition to rsync, you can also use sftp or scp to copy files
to the; if you use one of those programs instead, make sure you
send any new files, update the files that have changed and delete the ones
that have been removed from the repository.

Big external documents should be archived in the subdirectory ext/, which
is not under version control. If you add any files to that directory, use
the following command (or equivalent) to copy them to Maxima's Website:

rsync -avzu ext