
#4198 2D Plot issue


Following equation does not produce a closed figure:;

The figure does not close, plotting bug may be? It should be a square

plot2d([(x/4)^98+(y/4)^98=1], [x,-50,50], [y,-50,50])$


  • Gunter Königsmann

    does it help to increase nticks?

  • Jaime E. Villate

    The relevant option here is sample, and not nticks. Changing the default sample from 50 to 51 works:

    plot2d([(x/4)^98+(y/4)^98=1], [x,-50,50], [y,-50,50],[sample,51,51])$

    but this in fact shows a bug in the implicit-plot option of plot2d which remains to be be solved. Thanks for the bug report.

  • Jaime E. Villate

    • assigned_to: Jaime E. Villate
  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2024-05-29
    • status: open --> closed
  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2024-05-29

    I see that commit [ 5cf6012 ] changed the default value of sample, which is enough to correct the problem reported by OP. I know that there is more to do about the implicit plot sampling topic, but let's close this report and wait for additional reports about any problems detected post-5cf6012.


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