
#4106 sign bug involving large integers and %pi

sign (40)

From Stackoverflow:

Looks like the observed behavior is due to the following sign bug, as seen by the incorrect results in %o8, %o10, %o15, and %o16.

(%i2) fpprec:100$

(%i3) fpprintprec: 8 $

(%i4) xx: 11468322278445318 - 36028797018963968/%pi;
(%o4)         11468322278445318 - -----------------
(%i5) yy: expand (%pi*xx);
(%o5)       11468322278445318 %pi - 36028797018963968
(%i6) zz: expand (2*yy);
(%o6)       22936644556890636 %pi - 72057594037927936
(%i7) bfloat (xx);
(%o7)                     7.0899905b-1
(%i8) is (xx > 1/2);
(%o8)                         false
(%i9) bfloat (yy);
(%o9)                      2.2273862b0
(%i10) is (yy > %pi/2); 
(%o10)                        false
(%i11) bfloat (zz);
(%o11)                     4.4547724b0
(%i12) is (zz > %pi);
(%o12)                        true
(%i13) [xx0, yy0, zz0]: expand ([xx - 1/2, yy - %pi/2, zz - %pi]);
        22936644556890635   36028797018963968
(%o13) [----------------- - -----------------, 
                2                  %pi
22936644556890635 %pi
--------------------- - 36028797018963968, 
22936644556890635 %pi - 72057594037927936]
(%i14) bfloat ([xx0, yy0, zz0]);
(%o14)      [2.0899905b-1, 6.5658987b-1, 1.3131797b0]
(%i15) is (xx0 > 0);
(%o15)                        false
(%i16) is (yy0 > 0);
(%o16)                        false
(%i17) is (zz0 > 0);
(%o17)                        true
(%i18) float ([xx, yy, zz]);
(%o18)                   [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
(%i19) float ([xx0, yy0, zz0]);
(%o19)                 [- 2.0, - 4.0, 0.0]

With fewer digits involved, the bug goes away, from what I can tell. But the numbers as shown are exact -- integers and %pi. There are heuristics in the sign code involving float or bigfloat evaluation; maybe that's where it is going wrong.


  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2023-02-22

    Some investigation shows SIGN1 calls NUMER, which calls $FLOAT on 22936644556890635/2 - 36028797018963968/%pi. This can't work right in general; I suspect it would be easy to make up further examples which fail.

    The obvious thing to do is to call $BFLOAT with a large fpprec, but I wonder what other effects that's going to have.

    • Stavros Macrakis

      Some parts of Maxima work hard to get correct results for cases like this.
      For example, floor and ceiling (written by Barton) evaluate at three different bfloat precisions. His pretty-good-floor-or-ceiling could easily be extended for the sign case.

      Fateman correctly points out that you don't want loop-termination conditions to be expensive to evaluate. But they won't be if the calculation is already a number. It's only when it's an expression with constants like %e and %pi or functions of exact numbers that you run into this problem. And if you write something perverse involving these things in your loop condition, your code deserves to run slowly!

      • Robert Dodier

        Robert Dodier - 2023-02-22

        Yes, probably something like the floor/ceiling code is needed -- maybe some parts can be repurposed for SIGN.

        The expense of loop termination isn't relevant -- first of all, Maxima needs to get it right. Anyway the stuff about if x > 1/2 then ... isn't a loop termination test.

  • Richard Fateman

    Richard Fateman - 2023-02-22

    Just to be clear,
    float (11468322278445318 - 36028797018963968/%pi); --> returns 0.0, and 0.0>1/2 is false.
    How much work do you want Maxima to do, for example in testing for
    inequalities for termination of a loop?
    Here's some more info
    (%i12) for i: 11468322278445315 thru
    11468322278445320 do print([i , float (i - 36028797018963968/%pi)]);

    (%o12) done
    with fpprintprec:4, using bfloat instead of float, the answers are

    • Robert Dodier

      Robert Dodier - 2023-02-22

      The expressions in question are exact, so the intrusion of fixed precision floats is a surprise.

      Maxima can't figure out everything, but this is a serious limitation. One can create large integers and do a lot of stuff with them, but Maxima falls down on on a random subproblem? Really? I don't think so.


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