
Maxent for pos tagged files

meg peter
  • meg peter

    meg peter - 2009-07-10

    I am using Maxent in net Beans.Need to understand how to use the code for pos tagged files. to make it more clear, I am having difficulty integrating the different modules in the maxent code in the net beans. My concern is how can i see the results of a tagged file if i use the tagged file as input to the maxent code. Is there any specific module in the maxent code that can classify the tagged file.

    • Thomas Morton

      Thomas Morton - 2009-07-19

      |how can i see the results of a tagged file if i use the tagged file as input to the maxent code. Is |there any specific module in the maxent code that can classify the tagged file.

      I'm not exactly what you are asking.  By tagged do you mean pos-tagged.  If so you probably want to look at the opennlp tools pos tagger. (

      If you just mean how to get the maxent code to classify something then I'd look at the tutorial.

      Hope this helps...Tom


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