
maXbox Released

Release Notes maXbox January 2023 mX476

Add 86 Units + 25 Tutorials

1441 unit uPSI_neuralgeneric.pas; CAI
1442 unit uPSI_neuralthread.pas; CAI
1443 unit uPSI_uSysTools; TuO
1444 unit upsi_neuralsets; mX4
1445 unit uPSI_uWinNT.pas mX4
1446 unit uPSI_URungeKutta4.pas ICS
1447 unit uPSI_UrlConIcs.pas ICS
1448 unit uPSI_OverbyteIcsUtils.pas ICS
1449 unit uPSI_Numedit2 mX4
1450 unit uPSI_PsAPI_3.pas mX4
1451 unit uPSI_SeSHA256.pas
1452 unit IdHashMessageDigest_max2;
1453 unit uPSI_BlocksUnit.pas
1454 unit uPSI_DelticsCommandLine.pas
1455 unit uPSI_DelticsStrUtils;
1456 unit uPSI_DelticsBitField;
1457 unit uPSI_DelticsSysUtils;
1458 unit uPSI_ALIniFiles2.pas
1459 unit uPSI_StarCalc2.pas
1460 unit uPSI_IdHashMessageDigest2.pas
1461 unit uPSI_U_Splines;
1462 unit uPSI_U_CoasterB.pas;
1463 U_SpringMass2.pas
1464 uPSI_MARSCoreUtils;
1465 unit uPSI_clJsonParser.pas
1466 unit uPSI_SynHighlighterPython.pas
1467 unit uPSI_DudsCommonDelphi;
1468 unit uPSI_AINNNeuron;
1469 unit uPSI_PJConsoleApp2;
1470 unit uPSI_PJPipeFilters2;
1471 unit uPSI_uHTMLBuilder;
1472 unit uPSI_PJPipe2;
1473 uPSI_WinApiDownload,
1474 uPSI_pxQRcode, //beta
1475 unit uPSI_neuralplanbuilder2
1476 unit uPSI_DelphiZXingQRCode;
1477 unit uPSI_RestJsonUtils;
1478 unit UtilsTimeCode;
1479 unit uPSC_classes2.pas; //TList
1480 unit uPSC_std2.pas
1481 unit uPSI_maxIniFiles.pas
1482 unit uROPSImports.pas
1483 unit uROPSServerLink.pas
1484 unit uPSI_KLibUtils;
1485 unit uPSI_PathFunc2; //inno setup
1486 unit KLibVC_Redist.pas;
1487 unit HTTPApp2.pas;
1488 unit uPSI_XCollection2;
1489 unit uPSI_KLibWindows;
1490 unit KlibConstants;
1491 unit uPSI_AzuliaUtils.pas
1492 unit uPSI_ALHttpClient2;
1493 unit uPSI_ALWininetHttpClient2;
1494 unit uPSI_UtilsMax41.pas
1495 unit uPSI_JclSysUtils1;
1496 unit uPSI_RestUtils;
1497 unit uPSI_TeEngine2.pas
1498 unit uPSI_Chart2.pas; (uPSI_TeCanvas2.pas)
1499 unit uPSI_PSResources.pas
1500 unit uPSI_TeCanvas2_1.pas
1501 unit uPSI_DataSetConverter4DUtil;
1502 unit uPSI_neuralfit2.pas;
1503 unit uPSI_SynCrtSock.pas
1504 uPSI_RunElevatedSupport.pas
1505 unit synTHttpRequest.pas;
1506 unit uPSI_VelthuisFloatUtils.pas
1507 unit HttpConnection.pas
1508 unit uPSI_HttpConnectionWinInet.pas
1509 unit UHexUtils.pas
1510 unit UExeFileType.pas
1511 unit uPSI_UConsoleApp.pas
1512 unit uPSI_CompilersURunner.pas
1513 unit uPSI_HttpConnection.pas
1514 unit uPSI_DataSetUtils.pas
1515 unit uPSI_HTTPSender.pas
1516 unit AES_Cryptobox4.pas
1517 unit uPSI_JsonConverter.pas
1518 unit uPSI_RestClient.pas
1519 unit JsonToDataSetConverter;
1520 unit JsonListAdapter; (superobject)
1521 unit uPSI_OpenApiUtils.pas;
1522 unit uPSI_WinHttp_TLB.pas;
1523 unit uPSI_NovusConsole;
1524 unit NovusShell.pas;
1525 unit NovusWebUtils.pas;
1526 unit NovusStreamUtils.pas;

Total of Function Calls: 36354
SHA1: F60338A77B77F2032061BF72A545AFB727F6395F
CRC32: 48455EF8 32.8 MB (34,419,992 bytes)
Compilation Timestamp 2023-01-26 15:36:15 UTC Signtime 26 Jan. 2023 16:41:42
Entry Point 25033256 - Contained Sections 10
ZIP SHA1: CCFC28FE69E5F62590335C406171500ADDE08A9A

Video online about the embarcadero challenge

maXbox4.exe now available as a NFT

What is a non-fungible token (NFT)?
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a kind of cryptoasset in which each token is unique. They can be used to authenticate ownership of digital assets.
The Exe was converted to a PNG as digiart. This application can be used to turn EXE files from your computer into PNG documents with minimum difficulty. In order to accomplish this, you only need to provide the utility with a corresponding input file, specify a suitable destination path and select a color profile by clicking the radio buttons, according to your needs.

The collection has 55 items:

Tutorial 94 and Tutorial 95 published (POST API Calls, Translator API Services)

Additions to mX4.7.6.10 VIII August 2022

Notes for V47610 VIII
_Help Tutorials 1-96
_Caption Ocean 116 Rheingold

new units:
1484 unit uPSI_KLibUtils;
1485 unit uPSI_PathFunc2; //inno setup
1486 unit KLibVC_Redist.pas;
1487 unit HTTPApp2.pas;
1488 unit uPSI_XCollection2;

Func StrToDateFS(sDate: str, fmt: TFormatSettings;): TDateTime;
newDate := StrToDateFS(sDate, fmt);
with TIcsIntegerList.Create do begin
end; //}
ResStream:= TResourceStream.Create(hInstance,'TRUTH','JPEG');
ResStream.Position := 0;
function executeAndWaitExe(fileName: string; params:string= ''; exceptionIfReturnCodeIsNot0: boolean = false): LongInt;
function getIPFromHostName(hostName: string): string;
function getLastSysErrorMessage: string;

New CommandLineInterface -c as compile script from shell:
C:\maXbox\mx4\mx4_v38\mx4\source>maxbox4_7.exe -c examples\100_weather_australia.txt
C:\maXbox\mx4\mx4_v38\mx4\source>maxbox4_7.exe -c examples\440_xml_tutor2.txt

Recompiled Units:
c:\maXbox>dir /s /o N *.dcu | find "01/08/2022" > C:\maXbox\maxboxunitalldisk_sort.txt

28/07/2022 18:44 211,349 IFSI_SysUtils_max.dcu
28/07/2022 15:56 46,996 uPSC_classes.dcu
28/07/2022 15:23 49,036 uPSC_DB.dcu
28/07/2022 16:02 53,529 uPSR_classes.dcu
28/07/2022 15:23 89,402 uPSR_DB.dcu
28/07/2022 22:37 11,941 uPSI_SynEditMiscProcs.dcu
28/07/2022 22:37 26,896 uPSI_StrUtil.dcu
28/07/2022 14:51 9,910 uPSI_IdThreadSafe.dcu
31/07/2022 22:43 7,253 KLibTypes.dcu
31/07/2022 21:46 59,910 uPSI_OverbyteIcsUtils.dcu
31/07/2022 21:38 10,411 uPSI_XCollection.dcu
31/07/2022 21:38 40,887 OverbyteIcsMimeUtils.dcu
01/08/2022 12:28 482,562 fMain.dcu
01/08/2022 13:37 66,516 uPSI_HTTPApp.dcu
01/08/2022 12:28 13,517 BlocksUnit.dcu
01/08/2022 14:19 38,401 KLibUtils.dcu
01/08/2022 14:22 30,856 MathsLib.dcu
01/08/2022 12:28 6,566 PXLTiming.dcu
01/08/2022 12:28 7,430 PythonAction.dcu
01/08/2022 12:28 278,932 PythonEngine.dcu
01/08/2022 12:28 6,446 SeSHA256.dcu
01/08/2022 12:28 20,494 uPSI_BlocksUnit.dcu
01/08/2022 14:21 21,506 uPSI_KLibUtils.dcu
01/08/2022 12:22 7,927 uPSI_PathFunc.dcu
01/08/2022 12:28 8,645 uPSI_PXLTiming.dcu
01/08/2022 12:28 175,131 uPSI_PythonEngine.dcu
01/08/2022 12:28 46,238 VarPyth.dcu
01/08/2022 12:28 77,151 OverbyteIcsUtils.dcu

Recompiled C:\maXbox>dir /s /o N *.dcu | find "15/12/2022" > C:\maXbox\maxboxunitalldisk_sort.txt

15/12/2022 14:50 485,115 fMain.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 71,781 ALHttpClient2.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 13,520 BlocksUnit.dcu
15/12/2022 12:12 2,593 DataSetUtils.dcu
15/12/2022 13:48 9,213 HttpConnection.dcu
15/12/2022 15:19 36,445 HTTPSender.dcu
15/12/2022 15:45 30,863 MathsLib.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 6,568 PXLTiming.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 7,434 PythonAction.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 278,943 PythonEngine.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 6,446 SeSHA256.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 66,632 uPSI_ALHttpClient2.dcu
15/12/2022 12:17 69,868 uPSI_AzuliaUtils.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 20,494 uPSI_BlocksUnit.dcu
15/12/2022 12:17 3,523 uPSI_DataSetUtils.dcu
15/12/2022 14:16 10,563 uPSI_HttpConnection.dcu
15/12/2022 14:10 20,018 uPSI_HttpConnectionWinInet.dcu
15/12/2022 15:30 25,313 uPSI_HTTPSender.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 8,645 uPSI_PXLTiming.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 175,123 uPSI_PythonEngine.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 9,511 uPSI_VelthuisFloatUtils.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 46,228 VarPyth.dcu
15/12/2022 15:10 5,682 VelthuisFloatUtils.dcu

New Article from maXbox:

Posted by Max Kleiner 2021-11-12 Labels: CAI EKON25 systools RungeKutta4 Deltics Blocksunit StarCalc2 MP3 MARS Coaster Splines Spring PythonSyn VCL4Python NFT PJConsoleApp2 HTMLBuilder QRCode TList __pointer uPSC_std.dcu Post API command line compile Azulia ALWininetHttpClient2 ALHttpClient2 JExecute TEEChart Restutils PSProcessing dbconvert neuralfit2 wininet3 REST API HexExe compilerrunner HTTPSender TLB
  • Max Kleiner

    Max Kleiner - 2022-01-04

    Additions to mX4.7.6.10 IV Jan. 2022

    'TBitmapLoaders') do begin ---> free and clear

    check create; override;
    TBSpline Vertex ---> TSplineVertex -TBSpline = class
    TALMultipartFormDataDecoder destructor Destroy; override;
    ALWininetHttpClient; destryo ---> free and disconnect
    function WordMouseAction
    TKMemoHyperlink = class(TKMemoTextBlock)
    FURL: TKString;
    constructor Create; override;
    procedure Assign(ASource: TKObject); override;
    procedure DefaultStyle; virtual;
    function WordMouseAction(AWordIndex: Integer; AAction: TKMemoMouseAction; const APoint: TPoint; AShift: TShiftState): Boolean; override;
    property URL: TKString read FURL write FURL;
    TKMemoParagraph = class(TKMemoTextBlock)

    with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TPCJSONData') do --------->free
    TPCJSONNameValue ----> ffreeee
    TPCJSONList = Class(TPCJSONData) ---------Free;
    with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TPCJSONList'),'TPCJSONArray') do
    with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TPCJSONList'),'TPCJSONObject') do

    04/01/2022 08:39 24,473 uPSI_LinarBitmap.dcu
    04/01/2022 11:00 30,865 MathsLib.dcu
    04/01/2022 08:46 12,360 uPSI_ALMultiPartFormDataParser.dcu
    04/01/2022 08:57 7,811 uPSI_ALWininetHttpClient.dcu
    04/01/2022 08:15 25,161 uPSI_JclSynch.dcu
    04/01/2022 10:57 41,434 uPSI_U_Splines.dcu
    04/01/2022 08:59 166,582 uPSI_KMemo.dcu
    04/01/2022 09:13 16,246 uPSI_UJSONFunctions.dcu
    04/01/2022 09:30 108,646 uPSI_UtilsMax4.dcu

    This unit is a part of Pascal Coin, a P2P crypto currency without need of
    historical operations.

    What is the next real number after zero?
    Of the five other answers to this question, only Edward Sherry's is correct. The question asks for a positive real number that is smaller than every other. It doesn't exist, plain and simple.

    Additions to mX476.10 IV Jan. 2022

    richedit.plaintext boolean attribute
    Tstringgrid + update and refresh
    trackscrollbar + pagesize with decpart
    TClassesAndElements add 'Procedure Free;');
    add rollercoaster sound resources WAVE
    uPSI_VectorLists; fixed base class and baselist
    with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TBaseList'),'TSingleList') constructor
    unit uLkJSON; add static methods

    1461 unit uPSI_U_Splines;
    1462 uPSI_U_CoasterB.pas;
    1463 U_SpringMass2.pas
    1464 uPSI_MARSCoreUtils;
    1465 uPSI_clJsonParser.pas

    procedure TPSRuntimeClass.RegisterMethod(ProcPtr: Pointer; const Name: tbtString);
    P: PClassItem;
    p^.FName := FastUppercase(Name);
    p^.FNameHash := MakeHash(p^.FName);
    p^.b := 0;
    p^.Ptr := ProcPtr;
    procedure TPSRuntimeClass.RegisterVirtualMethod(ProcPtr: Pointer; const Name: tbtString);
    P: PClassItem;
    p^.FName := FastUppercase(Name);
    p^.FNameHash := MakeHash(p^.FName);
    p^.b := 1;
    p^.PointerInList := FindVirtualMethodPtr(Self, FClass, ProcPtr);


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