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Open source 3d printer slicer
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Change Log
25.02.14: Several bugfixes for the triangle intersection function
24.02.14: Finalized the triangle intersection function (untested)
23.02.14: Rewrote the triangle functions into a class
18.02.14: Added the multithreading control function
17.02.14: Added the actual running threads for multithreading
13.02.14: Added timer to update UI about slicing progress
13.02.14: Worked on the multithreading for slicing
10.02.14: Transferred all tickets to sourceforge
10.02.14: Created SourceForge account and wiki page
09.02.14: Made sure the slicer.prepare function made a new object if extra triangles is detected
09.02.14: Updated copyright to 2014
30.12.13: Added web-page:
30.12.13: Added donate-button on web-page
19.12.13: Worked on an algorithm for re-meshing
19.12.13: Worked on a function for checking intersections of triangles
18.12.13: Implemented the algorithm from yesterday
18.12.13: Fixed some bugs in the sorting of negative floating point values in growing_list
17.12.13: Created algorithm for unifying the facing of the triangles in O(n*log(n)) time
16.12.13: Moved progress bar to status line + decimation bar to object list + added slicing button
15.12.13: Added slightly rotating skybox to the view window
14.12.13: Made the customlist item re-sizable when selected to show more details
13.12.13: Made delete object reachible from the object list as well
12.12.13: Added delete object by clicking delete key
11.12.13: Added drop down menu when clicking on items
09.12.13: Added save binary stl file functionality
08.12.13: Finished the shape_3d_builder:add_shape function
08.12.13: Cleaned up the getter-functions for shape_3d a little bit
08.12.13: Fixed a bug in the obj loader that did not return false on some loader failures
08.12.13: Optimized the stl loader and shape_3d_builder that ran the algorithm to remove vertex duplicates even when there were no duplicates
08.12.13: Finished the slicer prepare function (combines all objects on the build platform
08.12.13: Fixed a major bug in the growing_list::find_idx function - it didn't actually find items
03.12.13: Worked on the shape_3d_builder to combine shapes into a single shape (needed for efficient slizing)
01.12.13: Fragment shader light position fixed regardless of resizing.
01.12.13: Added visual effect: light movement over time
01.12.13: Added visual effect: loading object zooms in on build platform
30.11.13: In view window: aligned z-axis to x,y when moving objects
30.11.13: In view window: fixed movement when zooming to better align with cursor
29.11.13: Fixed some bugs running scripted objects - Parse for flow returned wrong data
29.11.13: Added support for paranthesis on arithmetics
29.11.13: Made a scripted gear working for the first time
29.11.13: Added support for comments in scripts
28.11.13: Fixed some bugs in the find_next parse function for scripting
28.11.13: Fixed some bugs in the add_vertex function for scripting
28.11.13: Fixed some bugs in parse_for_arith and parse_for_flow
28.11.13: Fixed some bugs in the add_triangle function for scripting
27.11.13: Implemented missing functionality of add_vertex and add_triangle functions in scripting language
26.11.13: Rewrote the loaders to use classes
25.11.13: Partially implemented add_vertex and add_triangle function in scripting language
24.11.13: Coded parsing of flow functions (if, for, assign and blocks)
24.11.13: Added support for more functions for scripting (sin,cos,tan,log)
23.11.13: Coded parsing of boolean functions and arithmetics
22.11.13: --- " --- (minor updates)
19.11.13: --- " --- (minor updates)
18.11.13: --- " --- (minor updates)
17.11.13: Coded code recognition system for script parsing
16.11.13: Started programming the script parsing
15.11.13: Added a definition for a scripting file to be load, no loading yet
13.11.13: Started writing a function to combine objects into one (part of prepare)
13.11.13: Came up with 2 alternatives for names on the program "Matter Master" and "Realizer"
12.11.13: Added the build platform
12.11.13: Started working on the prepare function for the slicer
11.11.13: Continued on the list of objects in the scene
10.11.13: Continued on the list of objects in the scene (minor testing)
10.11.13: Changed the mouse navigation to not be dependent on a keyboard
10.11.13: Added decimation to user interface
09.11.13: Started adding list of object in the scene (minor testing)
07.11.13: Aligned objects to build platform
07.11.13: Added posibility to move objects within the building area
06.11.13: Corrected the sizing of objects
05.11.13: Added support to select objects by utilizing the stencil buffer
05.11.13: Restricted movement so the machine is always visible
05.11.13: Aligned the build area to the models
04.11.13: Added bounding volume on printer, updated UI colours
03.11.13: Added scale and translate ability to UI
02.11.13: Added posibility to open files + having several open at the same time
31.10.13: Finalized fragment shader lighting + removed calculation of vertex normals
30.10.13: Changed to pixel shader lighting so remove need to calculate vertex normals
24.09.13: Fixed bug with unused vertices in close holes
24.09.13: Unused vertices in obj-files are deleted
23.09.13: The close hole function is now fully implemented and working
23.09.13: Fixed a lot of bugs in the close hole function
22.09.13: Fixed a memory allocation error in the close hole function (used a week)
17.07.12: Calculated vertex normals and applied lighting
17.07.12: Optimized the decimation algorithm to give much better results.
16.07.12: Added support for obj file loading
12.07.12: Custom compare functions for red-black trees
11.07.12: Preallocation of memory for red-black trees (saved 50% memory)
09.07.12: Fixed bug in identify surfaces algorithm
08.07.12: Fixed hard to find bug in find holes algorithm
01.07.12: Coloring of all vertices to identify all unique surfaces O(n)
30.06.12: Add support for ascii stl files
June 2012: Binary stl loader
June 2012: Joining of coincident vertices O(n*log(n))
June 2012: Decimates the 3d model before displaying O(n) given a sorted set of vertices
June 2012: Red/black tree algorithm
June 2012: Dynamic mergesort algorithm