
Tree [r33762] /

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File Date Author Commit
 all 2014-03-07 grether [r28209] rm
 contrib 2015-07-03 ziemke [r33759] adding code for consideration of building size/...
 matsim 2015-07-02 michaz [r33746] exclude jaxb from javadoc
 matsimExamples 2015-04-23 ziemke [r32803] add travel matrix for matrix-based pt that can ...
 playgrounds 2015-07-03 michal-m [r33762] improved handling of Berlin zones
 .gitignore 2013-09-11 vsp_nagel [r25825] some cadyts consolidation (unify some methods b...
 README 2007-11-23 mrieser [r2] initial repository layout and initial README

Read Me

This repository contains files for the MATSim project.

Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 by Kai Nagel, Kay W. Axhausen, others who
actually wrote it, the Technische Universitaet Berlin (TU-Berlin), 
and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ).

Please see the files COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY in the trunks of
the subprojects for more detailed information.