
Matra XML DTD Parser Utility Version 0.8b (beta) released

Matra XML DTD Parser Utility Version 0.8b (beta) released

Matra is an XML DTD Parser utility written in java.

You can use Matra to do broadly the following tasks:

1. Parse the DTD
Matra will parse the DTD and check for problems. It notifies the user of any problems with the DTD).

2. Merge the DTD
Many of the published DTDs are split into multiple modules. Using the "merge" functionality of Matra, you can create a DTD that contains all the Element types and attribute declarations in the DTD and all of its included modules.

3. Generate the DTD Tree
Matra creates a visual representation of the DTD.
This is depicted as a tree - where all the nodes are the element types.
The attributes are displayed next to the element name within parenthesis.

In this release I have included batch files and shell scripts for you to easily perform the above three functionality.

Project site:

Posted by derupe 2004-02-14

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