
QMathGL in a QScrollArea: resizing crashes

  • SImon

    SImon - 2012-03-15

    Hi there,

    I have a Qt test program with a main window with a QScrollArea, with a QMathGL
    widget (graph) as child.

    The program crashes (exits) if i try to resize the main window (no scollbars

    If I set

    graph->autoResize = true

    , nothing crashes but graph just adopts its parent size and rescales. Still no

    Why does the program crash with resizing? What is the best approach?

    Thank you!

  • SImon

    SImon - 2012-03-15

    By the way, it QMathGL does work with QSplitter as parent container

  • SImon

    SImon - 2012-03-15

    The crash is caused by a segmentation fault.

    Not that that is very helpful ;)

  • SImon

    SImon - 2012-03-15

    Ok, narrowed it down to the calling of resize(int, int)

    void QMathGL::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *ev)
            if (autoResize && ev->size().width() > 0 && ev->size().height() > 0) {
                graph->SetSize(ev->size().width(), ev->size().height());
            } else {
                resize(graph->GetWidth(), graph->GetHeight()); // this causes the exit
  • SImon

    SImon - 2012-03-15

    Ha, cool! Its causing an infinite loop of resizing! (Probably still caused by
    the construction within the parent QScrollArea)

  • SImon

    SImon - 2012-03-15

    Still no luck with the scrollbars though. Seems that the parent QScrollArea
    doesn't see the size of its child QMathGL.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Checked it out: Looks like a result of working with QDesigner forms...

    But why?

    Anyway, I'll try to re-implement without using the form designer...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Ok, not using QDesigner works great!!!

  • Alexey Balakin

    Alexey Balakin - 2012-03-20

    Which version do you use? Because I was comment this call sometime ago (at
    least in SVN version).

  • SImon

    SImon - 2012-03-21

    I use
    Qt Creator 2.2.1
    QMake version 2.01a
    Qt version 4.7.4 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

  • Alexey Balakin

    Alexey Balakin - 2012-03-22

    No, the question was -- do you try latest SVN version?

  • SImon

    SImon - 2012-03-23

    Oh, excuse me. Using Ubuntu package mathgl 1.11.2-2ubuntu1.


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