
Value of first Lyapunov coefficient for Bautin bifurcation

  • Sergey Novak

    Sergey Novak - 2023-09-20

    I want to use the first Lyapunov coefficient to determine which branch of the Andronov-Hopf bifurcation corresponds to the supercritical and which to the subcritical
    I assume that h(5, :): HH is the first Lyapunov coefficient, but it's not entirely clear why it has such a name, shouldn't it be h(5,:): GH?
    My system is three-dimensional and HH bifurcation is not possible, but I see its name in the output table
    I guess it's actually GH, but I doubt it
    Thank you for help

  • hilmeijer

    hilmeijer - 2023-09-20

    I have an idea what is going on here. Let's say the number of shown test functions is correct, but it is just taken as the first three elements from the set (BT, ZH, HH, GH) instead of omitting the third.
    It really is GH not HH.
    Thanks for reporting, but tracing it in the code is harder, so it may take a while before this is correctly represented.

    • Sergey Novak

      Sergey Novak - 2023-09-21

      Thank you for help


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