
Matcont finds a limit point at every point n the curve.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-07-11

    I have a system with 11 states. I use Cl_matcont5p4 to define my system and perform continuation from an equilibrium point. I get a series of limit points, with the active parameter almost unvarying and then it stops after some steps saying "closed curve detected". Basically, at every value of the active parameter, I get a fixed point.

    This is the code I used to continue:

    X0 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]; % state corresponding to an equilibrium
    p = [1.2977]; % parameter corresponding to initial equilibrium state
    ap = [1]; % I just use one active parameter
    [x0,v0]=init_EP_EP(@my_system, X0', p, ap);

    It obviously depends on the system. But could there be a rookie matcont user error that is leading to this?


    Last edit: Anonymous 2019-07-13
    • hilmeijer

      hilmeijer - 2019-07-11

      I get a series of limit points, with the active parameter almost unvarying and then it stops after some steps saying "closed curve detected"

      After 50 steps (default option) it starts to check whether you are back at the original point. If the points are really similar, then this happens. Set the value to 0 to have MatCont ignore this check. All other things indeed depend on your system very much.

      Strangely, the fixed points plotted, correspond to the time histories of the states.

      That's a strange statement. How would you get "history"?

      Basically, at every value of the active parameter, I get a fixed point.

      Of course, by definition, as you continue equilibria.

      From: Rohini V
      Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 6:48 AM
      To: [matcont:discussion]
      Subject: [matcont:discussion] Matcont finds a limit point at every point n the curve.

      I have a system with 11 states. I use Cl_matcont5p4 to define my system and perform continuation from an equilibrium point. I get a series of limit points, with the active parameter almost unvarying and then it stops after some steps saying "closed curve detected". Strangely, the fixed points plotted, correspond to the time histories of the states. Basically, at every value of the active parameter, I get a fixed point.

      This is the code I used to continue:

      X0 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]; % state corresponding to an equilibrium
      p = [1.2977]; % parameter corresponding to initial equilibrium state
      ap = [1]; % I just use one active parameter
      [x0,v0]=init_EP_EP(@my_system, X0', p, ap);

      It obviously depends on the system. But could there be a rookie matcont user error that is leading to this?

      Matcont finds a limit point at every point n the curve.

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  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-07-11

    That's a strange statement. How would you get "history"?

    By time history I mean time integration of the states. It results in a particular periodic orbit and the limit points seem to follow the same orbit.

    After 50 steps (default option) it starts to check whether you are back at the original point. If the >>points are really similar, then this happens. Set the value to 0 to have MatCont ignore this check. >>All other things indeed depend on your system very much.

    Thanks! I will try that out.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2019-07-11
    • hilmeijer

      hilmeijer - 2019-07-11

      That's a strange statement. How would you get "history"?
      By time history I mean time integration of the states. It results in a particular periodic orbit and the limit points seem to follow the same orbit.

      That suggests your system has some additional features... MatCont focusses on generic dissipative systems. If your system has more structure you should take that into account yourself.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-07-11

    If your system has more structure you should take that into account yourself.

    Thanks for the tip! But could you be a little more clear about what exactly you mean by 'more structure'?

    • hilmeijer

      hilmeijer - 2019-07-11

      If your system has more structure you should take that into account yourself.

      Thanks for the tip! But could you be a little more clear about what exactly you mean by 'more structure'?
      Conserved quantities for example...


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