
couldn't draw EP_EP plot

  • Mineeja

    Mineeja - 2015-02-16

    while drawing EP_Ep curve using matcont, matlab is flashing error, " Error using line, invalid line property"*". Try using ....... etc, I am using matlab 2014 version and the latest matcont software, how to fix this error? please help me. Thanks in advance.

  • Niels N.

    Niels N. - 2015-02-17

    This error occurs when using an older version of matcont with the latest version of Matlab (2014b).
    We've addressed these issues in matcont6p1.

    If you are using matcont6p1, could you report the full error on this messageboard ? We are interested in the line number and file associated with the error.

    regards, Niels.

  • Mineeja

    Mineeja - 2015-02-18

    Thank you for your kind reply, I am using Matlab 2014b, and matcont5p3, that might be the problem. I will use matcont6p1, check the issue. Once again thank you for your prompt help.


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