
Setting v0 within the ode definition file

  • Evelyn Sander

    Evelyn Sander - 2018-08-12

    All of the examples that I have found in the TestSystems folder leave v0 undefined and let matcont cycle through the unit vectors to determine v0. Is there an example of an ODE definition file that defines the v0 vector rather than leaving it to be determined automatically? I don't know where or how it would be specified.

    • hilmeijer

      hilmeijer - 2018-08-31

      Knowing the tangent vector at the start of the continuation is only feasible if

      (1) you have a correct solution in the first place, so that the tangent vector can be computed. The design of matcont though is that the continuation corrects the first point. This allows you to start with an approximate solution possibly resulting in corrections in the parameter values too, which may be necessary.

      (2) you already started the continuation, i.e. from an existing branch and you extend it

      (3) you have some asymptotic/algebraic information about the tangent vector, i.e. branch points, Limit cycles from a Hopf point, or codim 2 bifurcation points.

      Hope this philosophy helps a bit.

      Best, Hil

      From: Evelyn Sander
      Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2018 10:33 PM
      To: [matcont:discussion]
      Subject: [matcont:discussion] Setting v0 within the ode definition file

      All of the examples that I have found in the TestSystems folder leave v0 undefined and let matcont cycle through the unit vectors to determine v0. Is there an example of an ODE definition file that defines the v0 vector rather than leaving it to be determined automatically? I don't know where or how it would be specified.

      Setting v0 within the ode definition file

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