
Period doubling bifurcations with small normal form coefficients

  • Parul Verma

    Parul Verma - 2019-04-19


    MATCONT detected several period doubling bifurcations for my system of equations. However, all of them have extremely small normal form coefficients (of the order of 10^-10 and 10^-9). Are these reliable? What is the implication of having such small normal form coefficients?

    Thanks and Regards,

    • hilmeijer

      hilmeijer - 2019-04-25

      Dear Parul,

      Such things depend a lot on the details of the system. Is it stiff or not, and so on. They all influence settings you need for accurate results.

      Being small is not necessarily bad, you could try to pick a PD point and continue a Period-doubling curve in two parameters. If the normal form coefficient along that curve behaves erratic then you need to look into settings to increase accuracy.

      Best, Hil

      From: Parul Verma
      Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 6:07 PM
      To: [matcont:discussion]
      Subject: [matcont:discussion] Period doubling bifurcations with small normal form coefficients


      MATCONT detected several period doubling bifurcations for my system of equations. However, all of them have extremely small normal form coefficients (of the order of 10^-10 and 10^-9). Are these reliable? What is the implication of having such small normal form coefficients?

      Thanks and Regards,

      Period doubling bifurcations with small normal form coefficients

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      • Parul Verma

        Parul Verma - 2019-04-25

        Dear Hil,

        Thank you for your help. I am working on Hodgkin-Huxley type equations. It is stiff. I tried 2 parameter continuation from various PD points and observed a similar pattern. The system would detect lot of generalized period doubling points, but with a warning that the cubic coefficient of the normal form is not zero. Also, the computations take lot of time when I do 2 parameter continuation from a PD point.

        I will increase the accuracy and try the continuations again.

        Thank you,

        • hilmeijer

          hilmeijer - 2019-04-25

          I will increase the accuracy and try the continuations again.

          In particular increase the number of mesh points ntst, but keep ncol=4

  • Parul Verma

    Parul Verma - 2019-04-26

    Dear Hil,

    I increased ntst from 100 to 500 and found a PD point for which the normal form coefficient increased from approx. 10^-10 to 10^-7. Does this mean that there is definitely a PD point?

    Secondly, I tried 2 parameter continuation from this PD point and did not see any warnings about cubic coefficients this time. Matcont did not detect any codimension-2 bifurcation this time, although it was detecting a generalized period doubling bifurcation earlier.

    You also mentioned that I should check how the normal form coefficients behave while doing the 2 parameter continuation. How to do that? I don't see any option of checking the normal form coefficients in this case. I am using the command line version of Matcont.

    Thanks and Regards,

    • hilmeijer

      hilmeijer - 2019-05-16
      1. sorry for the delay in the reply, your email got lost somehow.
      2. very likely, see below.
      3. If you monitor the (Floquet) multipliers, then there must be crossing -1 at the bifurcation, that certainly is proper evidence.
      4. Multipliers you find in the f-variable. (referring to CL-usage [x,v,h,s,f]=cont...)
      5. Along a PD-curve you can test for a degenerate PD. This test function is the normal form coefficient and is stored in h. So if that is a smooth curve, then yes, you can trust it, even if it small.

      From: Parul Verma
      Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 10:38:19 PM
      To: [matcont:discussion]
      Subject: [matcont:discussion] Period doubling bifurcations with small normal form coefficients

      Dear Hil,

      I increased ntst from 100 to 500 and found a PD point for which the normal form coefficient increased from approx. 10^-10 to 10^-7. Does this mean that there is definitely a PD point?

      Secondly, I tried 2 parameter continuation from this PD point and did not see any warnings about cubic coefficients this time. Matcont did not detect any codimension-2 bifurcation this time, although it was detecting a generalized period doubling bifurcation earlier.

      You also mentioned that I should check how the normal form coefficients behave while doing the 2 parameter continuation. How to do that? I don't see any option of checking the normal form coefficients in this case. I am using the command line version of Matcont.

      Thanks and Regards,

      Period doubling bifurcations with small normal form coefficients

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  • Parul Verma

    Parul Verma - 2019-05-16

    Dear Hil,

    I looked at the f-variable and I don't understand them. My system of ODEs have 9 variables, and I performed continuation for 50 steps. So, I assume that f should be of dimension 9 X 50. However, f was of dimension 110 X 50. Why is that so?


    • hilmeijer

      hilmeijer - 2019-05-16

      The first 101 numbers correspond to the timepoints of the time-discretization.

      You need numbers 102-110 for the multipliers

      From: Parul Verma
      Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 8:22 PM
      To: [matcont:discussion]
      Subject: [matcont:discussion] Period doubling bifurcations with small normal form coefficients

      Dear Hil,

      I looked at the f-variable and I don't understand them. My system of ODEs have 9 variables, and I performed continuation for 50 steps. So, I assume that f should be of dimension 9 X 50. However, f was of dimension 110 X 50. Why is that so?


      Period doubling bifurcations with small normal form coefficients

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