
How to draw the bifurcation oscillation diagram

  • zhm

    zhm - 2019-11-30

    Dear administrator,
    I am a new user of MatCont.And I am using matlab r2015b, matcont6p4.
    (1)Recently I used matcon to draw the bifurcation diagram, but I don't know how to draw the oscillation. The system prompts me to select at least two variables, but I have only one variable to choose.
    (2)What's more,how can I draw the unstable dotted line in the middle like them.
    Next, I'll show others' drawing and my drawing, as well as my system. I hope I can get a little help. Thank you very much.

  • zhm

    zhm - 2019-12-07

    And I also can't draw the time history chart,(abscissa is time, ordinate is x).It's strange that I used to be able to draw. I also tried to reinstall macont, but it still doesn't work.


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