Closing the branch 'dev'
Merged changes from the branch 'dev_v9'
Added two more behaviors
Merged changes from the branch 'dev_v9'
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Initial import
Merged changes from the branch 'feature/Rating'
Merged changes from the branch 'feature/AngleControl'
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Merged changes from the branch 'feature/AnglePicker' (GestureTracker etc.)
Pulled back changes from the branch 'feature/Rating'
Merged changhes from the branch 'dev'
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Added tag fix/OffArea for changeset a35cbe842c86
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Merged changes from the branch 'feature/Rating'
Merged changes from the branch 'feature/EditableTextBlock'
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Merged changes from the branch 'feature/AngleControl'
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Fixed Masamune.Behaviors subproject
Added a new subproject - Masamune.Behaviors
Fixed errors in the ViewModelDictionary<TKey, TValue>
Merged changes from the branch 'feature_behaviors'
Closing the branch 'feature_behaviors'
Merged changes from the branch 'feature_behaviors'
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Merged changes from the branch 'default'
Simplified weak delegates code
Fixed assembly version numners and attributes
Fixed a bug in the main test program - the Remove button wasn't disabled when no item selected
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Added tag has_AutoWiring for changeset 2dadfcda32b3
Removed AutoWiring project
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Added tests for weak events
Added some text files with notes what project does what
Fixed a bit snippets
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Created a new project Masamune.UI for std dialog boxes
Implemented both input and message boxes
Successfully (more or less) migrated two dialogs to a separate assembly Masamune.UI
Simplified a bit the API
Simplified the API more
Debugged the message and input boxes
Merged cnahges from the branch 'feature_ui'
Closing the branch 'feature_ui'
Merged changes from the branch 'feature_ui'
Removed the sources of the Masamune.UI
Incremented version numbers, preparing to merge
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Fixed a problem with Masamune.UI.InputBoxs API, reordered the Show() method parameters
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Moved icon images around to fix the issue with the icons in dialog boxes
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Added a new icon for the input dialog box
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Checked if the test pass
Replaced the DispathcerTimer with the System.Threading.Timer
Added the CTSValueConverter class
Improved the IdleMonitor code
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Incremented version numbers
Simplified a bit event raising for the NotifyingObject and NotifyingCollection classes
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Fixed assemblies version numbers
Fixed an issue in the SimpleWizardViewModel<T> class that had been found through WriterAssistant debugging
Merged back changes from the branch 'default'
Added two new commands: WindowMaximizeCommand and WindowMinimizeCommand
Fixed a lot of issues with the behaviors and new commands
Removed the double click behavior - the standarg triggers&actions provide just the requred functionality
Simplified the UIHelper class a bit
Added the WindowResizeBehavior class
Simplified code of the WindowResizeBehavior class
Added the CommandExtender class
Incremented (and fixes) assemblies' version numbers
Merged back changes from the branch 'default'
Replaced the System.Windows.Interactivity framework with the Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf framework
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Added a debug output action
Fixed changes in the DebugAction.cs source code
Changed custom interactivity actions
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Incorporated changes
Added XML comments to the CommentFrom() methods of the CTSMultiValueConverterBase class
Merged changes from the branch 'fix/convertback'
Added XML comments
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Rearranged the code of the AggregateMultiValueConverter class
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Made the BooleanToVisibilityConverter descend from the ValueConverterBase class
Merged changes from the branch 'fix/convertback'
Increased assembly version numbers
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Merged back changes from the branch 'default'
Completed removing TODOs
Merged changes from the branch 'dev'
Increased assembly version numbers