
Marvel G200-TV Project / News: Recent posts

mjpeg code working, colors almost correct

I have got both the compress and decompress code working
to allow decompressing of images compressed.

The color is still a little off. Needs fine tuning. Color display
a little dull and washed out. still need better setting for the

Posted by Mike Bernson 2000-05-17

mgavideo 0.0.8 outdated - new release quite soon

mgavideo 0.0.8 is very outdated - we recommend using the CVS version instead. A new release will come out when the MJPEG code has matured somehow..

Posted by Gernot Ziegler 2000-05-07

Bug tracking and CVS starting to get used.

The mgavideo team will shift its development completely to sourceforge, and start using CVS and the Bug tracking system.

Posted by Gernot Ziegler 2000-05-07