

Scott Davis

Project Development Idea: Observatory building

Building which permits to view Mars spacial proximities : Mars satellites...
View displayed/generated as pictures? It would be different depending on the settlement position on Mars, telescope performance, lens characteristics

We will need to create a new skill: astronomy with a new associated astronomer profession. The observatory buildings should be easy enough to add with the building configuration and use the existing research building function.

This may be associated with the new science improvements development idea. A settlement with an observatory may be able to make scientific discoveries that other settlements will miss, and attract scientists from other settlements as well.

An example of this type of building is the Musk Observatory at the Mars Society's Mars Desert Resource Station (MDRS).

Feel free to add more ideas to this page or add to its discussion.

Update (11/20/09):

The astronomical observatory building function has been implemented in version 2.87, along with an astronomical observatory building in Alpha Base. We've also added a new astronomer job, astronomy science, and an observe astronomical object task that allows a researcher to perform astronomy research at night at an observatory for a scientific study.

I'm not sure what else we should add for observatories. Any ideas are welcome.



Wiki: Project_Development_Ideas
Wiki: Science