

Scott Davis
settlement_map_tool3.png (361242 bytes)

Project Development Idea: Settlement Map Tool

This development idea is that we create a new settlement map tool that will display the building layout of the settlement in a scrollable, 2D, overhead map.

We might be able to show the building location of people in the settlement as well. We'll have to decide on how we want to display the individual building names: as inline with the buildings, as tool tips, or in a legend to the side.

The building layout will have to be represented in the simulation. Each building will need to have set dimensions and building templates will need to show the position of each building relative to the simulation's center. The angle (facing) of the building will need to be represented as well in the template.

In addition to the template, we will need to determine the relative position and facing for all constructed buildings.

We may need to determine if and how inhabitable buildings are connected to one another.

Once we have the settlement layout fully described, an added benefit for the simulation is that we can describe person location and movement within the settlement with more detail. Perhaps have their position within a building and track their movement between buildings.

First concept art for settlement map tool.

Development Update

Everything listed above for this development idea has been developed in the simulation at this point. The new settlement map tool displays all buildings, vehicles, and people in a settlement and can be dragged, rotated and zoomed. Buildings and vehicles are modeled with scaled vector graphics (SVG) images that can be zoomed without pixelation.

Settement map tool as of 3.07 development.

Further discussion on this idea should be about improvements and new features for this tool.

Feel free to add more ideas to this page or add to its discussion.



Wiki: Project_Development_Ideas