
#65 Java Applet


Java's newest update has disabled Running unsigned java applets; As such your JNLP file is no longer usable.


  • manny kung

    manny kung - 2015-08-18

    We'll adopt java 8 for the next release (v3.08). I'll defer this to Scott and Lars on what to change in the codebase to enable java 8 in JNLP.

  • Kurai Kokoro

    Kurai Kokoro - 2015-08-18

    Thank you Manny. I was wondering, is it possible to deploy the windows (Like the map, and resource viewer) as there own windows? The applications of this would include being able to put the windows all on another screen.

    • manny kung

      manny kung - 2015-10-16

      Hi Kurai, sorry for missing your question. Can you lay out the advantage for each Tool to reside on its window rather than staying inside one main desktop? Is there any particular reason that you want this to happen? Can you think of a case for that? We are definitely open to users requesting for new features in the future release. We just need a justification for that. Thx! Manny

  • Scott Davis

    Scott Davis - 2015-08-28

    Thanks for the head's up, Kurai. The jars for web-start are self-signed, rather than using a paid certification service. It looks like Oracle Java 8 defaults to a high security setting that prevents self-signed jars from running through web-start. I was able to get it running by opening my Java Console -> Security and adding the site to the site exception list. Even then it displays a warning that you have to OK for it to run the app.

    So I guess the solution would be to either pay for a third party company to sign the web-start jars, or to post information on the project website for adding the URL to the exception list in the Java console.


  • manny kung

    manny kung - 2015-10-16
    • labels: --> applet, JNLP
    • assigned_to: Scott Davis
    • Milestone: 3.07 --> 3.08
  • manny kung

    manny kung - 2015-10-16
    • status: open --> closed

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