
Getting started

Matti Pulkkinen

So, you decided to give Marker audio splitter a go. Here's a very short tutorial on how to use my applicattion:
1. In pro tools, set up markers to start of you song and end of your song
2. Marker that indicates the start of the song should start with [s] and end of the song-marker should start with [e]
* If you want to end your song exactly where next one starts, just leave the ending marker out, application then assumes that the end point for that song is the same than start of the next song
3. Export youw WHOLE project to a single wav file. It's important that you bounce your project from the beginning (frame 0)
4. File -> Export -> Session Info as txt, select Timecode as time format! (in the end of this document is example file of how the output should look like)
5. Open Marker audio splitter, if not already open
6. Navigate to your bounced wav file by pressing "Select wav file" button
7. Navigate to your outputted project txt file by clicking "Select txt file"
8. If you want to save the songs to different folder than the folder containing bounced file, click "Select output folder"
9. If you think you'll be doing multiple bounces, you might want to check "Monitor changes..." checkbox to automatically start the splitting when bounced file has changed
10. Click Split and you'll see progress etc information
11. After split is done, check that application actually splitted the songs correctly, I haven't tested this application that much, so that I could swear that splitting is done perfectly with all the framerates/combination of markers/framereates etc

If any problems occur, log file should be in same folder than the application, so please send log file if there's any issue with a good description of what was the excpected result and the actual result. Txt project file would help a lot too, I'll promise to handle all files sent with care and securely and delete them when not needed anymore

Example pro toosl project output file (note that pro tools separates MARKER LISTINGS table with tabs):

SESSION NAME:   Savellysta_cut
SAMPLE RATE:    44100.000000
BIT DEPTH:  16-bit

M A R K E R S  L I S T I N G
#       LOCATION        TIME REFERENCE      UNITS       NAME                                COMMENTS
1       00:00:00:00     1|1                 Ticks       [s]4. 4th song                  
13      00:11:40:10     309|1               Ticks       [e]                                 
2       00:12:19:19     344|1               Ticks       [s]10. 10th song            
3       00:17:27:08     485|1               Ticks       [s]12. 12th song                    
4       00:26:18:08     915|1               Ticks       [s]5. 5th song                      
14      00:31:09:16     1198|1              Ticks       [e]                                 
5       00:31:21:16     1209|1              Ticks       [s]2. 2nd song              
15      00:35:05:02     1372|1              Ticks       [e]                                 
6       00:36:56:03     1385|1              Ticks       [s]6. 6th song                  
16      00:42:33:29     1579|1              Ticks       [e]                                 
7       00:42:41:10     1583|1              Ticks       [s]7. 7th song                      
17      00:47:34:20     1742|1              Ticks       [e]                                 
8       00:47:42:01     1746|1              Ticks       [s]11. 11th song                        
18      00:52:37:03     1975|1              Ticks       [e]                                 
9       00:52:58:08     1990|1              Ticks       [s]1. 1st song                      
10      00:56:54:25     2128|1              Ticks       [s]9. 9th song                  
11      01:05:18:25     2296|1              Ticks       [s]3. 3rd song              Start
12      01:08:25:26     2406|1              Ticks       [s]8. 8th song      
19      01:13:11:21     2537|1              Ticks       [e]