
Markdownify / News: Recent posts

Beta 2 released

I just released the second beta, there is still some work to be done, especially with markdown inside non-markdownable tags and wordwrapping.

This release fixes some bugs though and I think it deserves a file release.

Check it out and tell me what you think!

Posted by Milian Wolff 2008-02-03

Beta 1 released!

This is the first beta release of Markdownify - the HTML to Markdown converter for PHP.

It is very stable and should handle nearly all features of Markdown and Markdown Extra syntax. Missing are only two things:

* "Markdown inside block elements" for Markdownify Extra
* word wrapping

These two things will be added before the first "stable" release. Additionally some performance improvements will hopefully be added.... read more

Posted by Milian Wolff 2007-10-07