Frank McNeil - 2016-08-21

Hi. That's great. Also thank you a lot. I've already uploaded it in files section here on sourceforge. Oh and sorry it took me a while to reply again. As I already said I'm way to busy in my real life. So I don't check it here often.

As for the error logs. If it is the same thing you reported before. Then it should happen a lot less now in mb0.92. I remember I've went through the official waypoints and fixed several bugs in them. It's said in the list of changes. So the huge bug in ps_upham waypoints is gone and should not fill the error log file anymore. With the custom waypoints I can't really help much. The logging is there to point at a problem. So the waypointers can see they made something wrong. You may try using some of the waypoint self-fixing commands now in mb0.92. It should correct some of the bugs in waypoints. But if you want to get rid of this you can comment out the line right in the bot.cpp file and recompile the bot again.

It's the 'void bot_t::TargetAimWaypoint(void)' function in bot.cpp file. Rigth at the top of this function you'll see this code ...

if (local_wpt == -1)
        // public debugging
        char msg[256];
        sprintf(msg, "(bot.cpp) - TargetAimWaypoint() - local/current wpt is #-1 (previous wpt is #%d, path is #%d)\n Possible reason: there's no goback wpt at the end of the path and the path doesn't end by a cross (ie. wrongly set camping spot)\n", prev_wpt_index.get(), curr_path_index);
        ALERT(at_console, msg);

        // set it so like we succeeded even if there aren't any waypoints/targets


So comment out the line saying 'UTIL_DebugInFile(msg);'. That stops logging this error in public debugging file mb_error-log.txt.