
A fresh but well tested release of MARF 0.3.0-devel-20050606

The MARF (Modular Audio Recognition Framework) project is proud to release
a new 0.3.0-devel-20050606 release, at and

Release Highlights:

* This release fixes one unfortunate bug in 0.3.0-devel-20040614
that caused the main MARF module to allow selection of one
preprocessing module.

* The new release is much more extensively tested with a grown
number of test applications. It is in fact quite stable despite being
a "-devel" release.

* The new applications other than SpeakerIdentApp exercising
MARF's functionality have been amended and released, both as
testing and example modules of how to write MARF-based
applications. The applications that come with this release include:
TestFFT, TestLPC, TestFilters, TestWaveLoader, MathTestApp,
and our main SpeakerIdentApp.

* The whole new set of natural language processing (NLP)-related
algorithms is finally integrated (in marf.nlp or general algorithm
enriching already pre-existing packages). Includes Probabilistic
Natural Language Parsing, MaxProbabilityClassifier, Zipf's Law
algorithm implementation, n-gram models.

* Implement chaining of Preprocessing modules, so one can
specify more than one preprocessing mode to use before doing
feature extraction.

* New algorithms implemented include Diff-Distance Classifier, Raw
preprocessing, Min/Max Amplitude and High-pass
High-Frequency-Boost feature extraction.

* Add a SineLoader that "loads" a generated sine wave for quick
testing purposes. Since many test apps used that kind of
generation, we implemented a loader implementing
ISampleLoader interface for that semantics.

* Option Processing has been of a valuable addition to the library
helping it and the apps manage options and select modules

* Storage Management Enhancement for general implementation of
the dump/restore mechanisms and ResultSet.

* Decoupling of modules and algorithms has begun in marf.math.

* Class and Interface revision information now programmatically

* marf.jar is now runnable and can provide its version, revisions,
etc. information from the command line.

* Source code quality improved through applying coding
conventions and documenting it with proper javadoc comments.

* Build System improvements include complete Makefiles for the
source tree, addition of Eclipse and NetBeans project files along
with a manifest file.

* New Stats code was introduced with the NLP part under
marf.Stats that includes a number statistical estimators and
supporting modules.

* A variety neat util code is in place to help out with different tasks,
including debugging, threading, logging, arrays management, and

This release is build and tested with JDK1.4 and 1.5, but the binaries are
for 1.4 (and 1.5 understands them) for wider applicability. If there is a
demand, 1.5 binaries can also be built.

The next release is expected after 2-3 months featuring Database
management enhancements and NLP and otherwise applications along with GUI
and more improved documentation.

Please give it a spin and let us know what you think. Your feedback is
important and patches and ideas are welcome.

Posted by Serguei A. Mokhov 2005-06-07

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