Many interesting effects could be accomplished if you
could have multiple cameras running at once. For
example, you could have a camera that's just in a boxy
room, followed by the first person camera (with a room
that has untextured edges) and bingo! UT-style skybox.
Another example, perhaps a camera in a room textured
only with space, and another camera circling level
geometry designed to look like a spaceship, and another
camera circling different level geometry designed to look
like a different spaceship. Do you know what I mean?
There are many possibilities behind this. I'd implement it
myself if I understood more than the Lua side of A1's
camera scripting.
It would not actually be terribly hard to implement, all
you would have to do is render from the perspectives of
several cameras in sequence without clearing the color
buffer first (which you don't do anyway when you have
Color the Void on).