
#155 Netgame - Available Maps Dialog


I would very much like to use the "Available Maps" browser (i.e., Environment Preferences) to "Chose Map" in Setup Network Game. It would add a great deal of organization to the process.


  • Gregory Smith

    Gregory Smith - 2009-01-28

    Ironically, I've had similar requests to use the file selector in the Environment Preferences instead of the available maps list.

  • effigy

    effigy - 2009-01-29

    When I first started using the available maps list I thought it was odd, having been confused by the flat folder view. The file selector relates better to most applications I use. After time, though, it really makes more sense to me. Folder names have been come headers in a list of maps by genre, and they're all visible. Awesome. What might make it more relateable would be to give the "headers" a tree layout. I've found that if a folder has no maps, but does have a subfolder with maps it will display not that folder, but will display the subfolder as a "header." I think it'd be more identifiable to users if it showed the subfolder tabbed over under it's superfolder(?). Also, I'm not quite sure of the rhyme or reason behind the order they appear now. I feel like I'm rambling on, but as example, I have a folder for CTF. Within that folder I have a Magenta Filter folder, thus I must remember it contains a CTF pack (not hard for CTF). Why not put the Magenta Filter map file in the CTF folder you might ask? This way I can keep the documentation (simply titled "Readme") with the map. Win, win!


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