
Mapbender / News: Recent posts

Tracker moved to OSGeo site

the Mapbender tracker has been moved to

the trackers at SourceForge will no longer be checked.

Posted by c_baudson 2007-03-06

Mapbender moves under the roof of the OSGeo Foundation

Mapbender has gradually moved under the roof of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (

The transition started with the foundation of the OSGeo in February 2006 and recently reached a milestone in graduating from the OSGeo incubation process. During the incubation process code was checked for valid license references and compatibility to linked libraries and external contributions. The community health was checked and whether a working, open governance structure was established and used to decide development direction, etc. read more

Posted by Arnulf Benno Christl 2006-10-30

Mapbender download sites

All Mapbender downloads will from no on only be available at SourceForge. If you find any old download sites please change the link to point to the SourceForge site. If the download is not yours please tell us ( about it, we will then contact the reyponsibles and either provide automatic updates or change the link.

Posted by Arnulf Benno Christl 2003-09-02

New Mapbender Release

New versions of the Mapbender Client Suite will only be made available here at SourceForge. The last stable version available outside SourceForge is 1.0.0

Developers please contact for more information on how to contribute to the project.

We are looking for native speakers who would translate errormessages and captions.

Posted by Arnulf Benno Christl 2003-08-28