
MantisConnect / News: Recent posts

MantisConnect 1.0a4 Released

MantisConnect 1.0a4 supports includes several bug fixes, supports addition of issue notes, supports .NET Framework v1.0, 1.1, 2.0, CF 1.0. This release also includes NUnit unit tests and an upgraded version of NuSoap. This version is not backward compatible with MantisConnect 1.0a3, and hence clients must be re-tested against this version of the webservice.


Posted by Victor Boctor 2005-06-05

MantisConnect 1.0a3 Released

MantisConnect is a C# webservice client connecting to a PHP webservice. The C# webservice client is CLS compliant and hence it can be used from any .NET language. Also the webservice can be used directly from any language that supports webservices.

The compiled MantisConnect and sample tools that are included in this release can be used with any Mantis installation that has the webservice, without the need for re-generating the proxy class or recompilation. Several other things were done to simplify compilation of the code.... read more

Posted by Victor Boctor 2004-10-03

Mantis 1.0a2 Released

The second version of MantisConnect is now available, the main highlights of this release are:

- Retrieving list of stored filters for a specified project.
- Retrieving issues matching a stored filter.
- Add configuration variables for the webservice to control global access level for readonly / readwrite operations.
- Optimisation for returning of datasets from webservice to C#
- Sample Submit Issue application.
- Sample Filtering application.
- Minor bug fixes.... read more

Posted by Victor Boctor 2004-09-28

MantisConnect 1.0a1 Released

This is the first release of MantisConnect, it is an alpha release that has the functionality
required to get a .NET application to connect to Mantis and report issues. It also has a c
ouple of sample applications that demonstrate how MantisConnect can be used.

The implemented features include:

* Ability to use a specified account by providing user name and password.
* Support anonymous login, if enabled on the Mantis installation.
* Ability to connect to Mantis installations with basic http authentication.
* Retrieve information about an issue given its id.
* Retrieve information about enumerations like: status, resolution, severity, priority, ...etc.
* Retrieve information about configuration options (with exception of sensitive ones).
* Retrieve id of the last reported issue that is accessible to the logged in user.
* Retrieve list of projects accessible to the logged in user.
* Retrieve list of categories for a project
* Retrieve list of versions for a project
* Report an issue
* Signed Assemblies
* Detailed XML documentation in code
* MSDN-like documentation (CHM)
* <mantis-submit> NAnt task to report issues from build scripts.
* Mantis Notifier to monitor a Mantis installation and notify user when new issues are reported.... read more

Posted by Victor Boctor 2004-09-22