
Mango Quest / News: Recent posts

0.6.4 released !

0.6.4 released

Posted by Clément Bourdarias 2001-10-04

Patch about SDL_mixer

version 0.6.3a requieres SDL_mixer in order to compile.
Here is a patch for those who don't have SDL_mixer installed.

Posted by Clément Bourdarias 2001-09-06

0.6.3a : bugfix release

Please use it instead of 0.6.3.

Posted by Clément Bourdarias 2001-09-04

Version 0.6.3 released !

All is in the title.

Posted by Clément Bourdarias 2001-09-03

Version 0.6.2 released !

All is in the title.

Posted by Clément Bourdarias 2001-08-15

Version 0.6.1 released

We released today the version 0.6.1 of The Blue Mango Quest.
This is mainly a bugfix release.
We added several new packages, including 128x128 textures instead of 256x256, in order to reduce package sizes.
Please read carefully the Release Notes of this new version before downloading packages in order to know what's inside.

Posted by Clément Bourdarias 2001-08-03

Documentation added !

We added the complete MangoPeeler (level editor) user's manual, and the first part of the MangoQuest user's manual.

Posted by Clément Bourdarias 2001-08-02

Version 0.6.0 released !

Finally, we give you our first public version of MangoQuest. Enjoy !

Posted by Clément Bourdarias 2001-07-31