
#9 MangaCat MediaLibrary statistics plugin

New feature request
Media Library
Jason Ely

1. Description

Provide a means whereby a user can query their library statistically. The default library has the Query Builder component to perform primitive queries but this functionality needs to be expanded to allow for more advanced query statements with graphical results.

The new functionality should also supply support for dumping queried results to file (preferably xml with associated style sheet). These outputted results must comply to standard allowing for 2 MangaCat instances to share data.

2. Target MangaCat Release

MangaCat version 1.2

3. Target MangaCat Module or Plugin

MangaCat Media Library Module.

4. What need of the MangaCat community will be addressed

Users can graphically interact with their libraries thereby extracting useful information. Through information dump, can forward their libraries to other users thereby initiating file sharing.

5. Estimated Development Time

120 hours.

6. Does the new development have OS restrictions, IO devices, OS Architecture types?


7. Are there any code changes that must be made to core/MangaCat to accommodate this change request?


8. Explain how the functionality should be delivered e.g., through new plugin, as part of core code, etc.

The functionality should ship as part of the Default Media Library module.

9. Priority



  • Jason Ely

    Jason Ely - 2013-09-18
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,5 +1,52 @@
    -Many people are very interested in the composition of their media libraries. While right clicking on your manga directory and getting properties on the directory gives you a broad overview of the files, counts and space allocation, it lacks fine grained information and statistics. 
    +**1. Description**
    -This statistics plugin will give the user the ability to interrogate the database backing the MangaCat Media Library module thereby allowing the user to extract information relevant to their query needs.
    +Provide a means whereby a user can query their library statistically. The default library has the Query Builder component to perform primitive queries but this functionality needs to be expanded to allow for more advanced query statements with graphical results.
    -The Statistics plugin will also allow the user to output query data in the form of xml/html which the user can forward to interested parties. In such a manner, the user can share their library data with other users.
    +The new functionality should also supply support for dumping queried results to file (preferably xml with associated style sheet). These outputted results must comply to standard allowing for 2 MangaCat instances to share data.
    +**2. Target MangaCat Release**
    +MangaCat version 1.2
    +**3. Target MangaCat Module or Plugin**
    +MangaCat Media Library Module.
    +**4. What need of the MangaCat community will be addressed**
    +Users can graphically interact with their libraries thereby extracting useful information. Through information dump, can forward their libraries to other users thereby initiating file sharing.
    +**5. Estimated Development Time**
    +120 hours.
    +**6. Does the new development have OS restrictions, IO devices, OS Architecture types?**
    +**7. Are there any code changes that must be made to core/MangaCat to accommodate this change request?**
    +**8. Explain how the functionality should be delivered e.g., through new plugin, as part of core code, etc.**
    +The functionality should ship as part of the Default Media Library module.
    +**9. Priority**
    • Ticket type: --> Error
    • Milestone: --> Beta Testing
  • Jason Ely

    Jason Ely - 2013-09-18
    • status: accepted --> open
    • Ticket type: Error --> New feature request
    • Milestone: Beta Testing --> Rokurou

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