
#15 Load next and previous image left mouse click

Beta Testing
New feature request
Manga Reader
Jason Ely

1. Description

The Manga Reader must be as SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE!!! Create a mouse effect on the Manga Image so that when the user moves right and beyond halfway point of Manga Reader, a right arrow appears. When move left and beyond halfway line, then show left arrow. if user left clicks, then go previous/next image depending on cursor type (next or previous).

This behavior should be customizable. Default behaviour is for this functionality to be on. Through configuration, user can turn off.`

2. Target MangaCat Release

MangaCat BETA

3. Target MangaCat Module or Plugin

Manga Readed

4. What need of the MangaCat community will be addressed

Users can navigate much easier between image collection in archive.

5. Estimated Development Time

40 hours.

6. Does the new development have OS restrictions, IO device restrictions, OS Architecture type restrictions?


7. Are there any code changes that must be made to MangaCat core or Core modules to accommodate this change request?

Yes. Manga Reader will need to be adjusted to accommodate the new cursor settings. When cursor moves over space other than current image, we must ignore the cursor or user clicks.

8. Explain how the functionality should be delivered e.g., through new plugin, as part of core code, etc.

The functionality should ship as part of the Default MangaCat Reader.

9. Priority



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