
Mama's Cookbook / News: Recent posts

PocketChef Source 1.2

This release includes source code for the import tools to Enjoy !

Posted by Kevin Chan 2005-01-08

PocketChef 1.2 beta Binary Release

New Feature: Recipe Import Tool. Very exciting feature.

Posted by Kevin Chan 2004-11-18

PocketChef 1.1 beta Source & Binary Release

This is the first official release of the Mama's Cookbook on PDA platform, named PocketChef. The release includes source and the binary, which includes MIPS, ARM, SH3, X86. Have Fun !
If you happen to find any bug, feel free to contact us.

Posted by Kevin Chan 2004-06-29

PocketChef Version 1.0 Release

Haha, big day for me. The first experimental version of Mama's Cookbook, called PocketChef, is released today. The purpose is mainly testing the data structure and the controls. Also, knowing the capability of the .Net Compact Framework is also important of this project. Anyway, have fun !

Posted by Kevin Chan 2004-04-20

Project is currently planning

Project planning covers details from platforms support, application diagrams, application codename, brief framework design and most importantly the specification will be available in the document repository.

Posted by Kevin Chan 2004-03-23