
#95 boot problem


On start up I get the following message.
Error: unexpectedly disconected from bootstatus daemon.
Md5 Checksum was correct.
Tried 2 harddrives both the same message.
MakuluLinux Flash 15
CPU; Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz
1 physical processor;2 cores ;2threads
Ram : 3009760 KiB
Motherboard : Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. G31M-S2C

Thank you



  • rindi

    rindi - 2018-10-21

    I'm somewhat confused. You selected "MakuluLinux-14-LinDoz", and then later you say "MakuluLinux Flash 15". What is it now? And what are you booting from? a USB stick? If so, what utility did you use to build it?

  • Werner

    Werner - 2018-10-22

    Hi rindi.
    Sorry for the confusion. I only saw the sections after I posted.
    It is flash 15 installed with a flashdrive onto a desktop.
    It was installed first on a 80g hard drive I had spare and then on my "newer" harddrive wich allso has mint19 and flash 14 on it.

    Startup times mint19 (xfce) 52 sec
    Flasf 14 52 sec
    Flash 15 1 min 26 sec

    I afterwards allso installed the Nvida driver as mint suggested it.

    Startup times the same



  • Werner

    Werner - 2018-10-22

    Just making it clear, I did not ask the mint community about the Nvida driver, it was sugested with the origenal installation some time back.

  • rindi

    rindi - 2018-10-22

    So the system boots fine? The "error" is more a boot message rather than an error. If it boots into the OS then all is good. Also, in most situations the OpenSource and default Nouveau Drivers along with Mesa (which provides 3D support) work better and perform better than the Legacy nVidia drivers. Often you may only need legacy drivers if you have a system like a laptop which has hybrid Video cards, ie a low power Intel GPU and a higher power nVidia GPU. The Intel GPU is used normally to extend battery life, and the nVidia when you need it. Currently it isn't easy in Linux, to switch between GPU, and for that you often need the legacy driver.

    Another thing, "Mint" is usually associated with an Ubuntu based Distro (although they also have a not very well known or used Debian version, but that is based on Debian Stretch, not Debian Testing like MakuluLinux). So anything they recommend won't necessarily apply to MakuluLinux, as they use different OS bases.

  • rindi

    rindi - 2018-10-22
    • Milestone: MakuluLinux-14-LinDoz --> MakuluLinux-15-LinDoz
  • Werner

    Werner - 2018-10-29

    I have now installed all the updates in the hope that it will improve situation. Startup time now 12min and 4 sec. Did advise that was given for ticket 97 and startup improved to 11min 26 sec.

    I think its best to download the new test version that was anounced today and try it again tomorrow ( without nVidia drivers ).

  • MakuluLinux

    MakuluLinux - 2018-11-08
    • status: open --> closed
  • MakuluLinux

    MakuluLinux - 2018-11-08

    new Latest ISO fixes the boot problems.


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