
#192 gnome-pie menu not revealing itself

gnome-pie (1)
Makulu Core

When on desktop Makulu Core gnome-pie menu does not reveal itself. This is a video of the bug. providing as much info as I know to provide in attachments.

OS: MakuluLinux Shift Pro Bld-2022.08.10 x86_64
Host: HP EliteDesk 800 G1 SFF
Kernel: 5.15.0-46-generic
Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080
DE: GNOME 3.36.9
WM: Mutter
WM Theme: Black
Theme: Makulu-OrosOrange [GTK2/3]
Icons: Core-DreamyOrange [GTK2/3]
Terminal: gnome-terminal
CPU: Intel i7-4770 (8) @ 3.900GHz [39.0°on]
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
GPU: Intel HD Graphics
Memory: 2800MiB / 31994MiB

3 Attachments


  • MakuluLinux

    MakuluLinux - 2022-08-12

    Open a terminal and type :

    gnome-pie -o 611

    then tell me what the terminal says and what happens.

    • Jason Garlow

      Jason Garlow - 2022-08-12

      [MESSAGE] Welcome to Gnome-Pie 0.7.2!
      [MESSAGE] Loading Pies from "/root/.config/gnome-pie/pies.conf".
      [WARNING] Error when getting information for file “/media/sf_Zipped/ISO/Shift-Ubuntu-Bionic”: No such file or directory
      [WARNING] Failed to open pie with ID "611": ID does not exist!
      [MESSAGE] Started happily...

      (gnome-pie:120116): Gdk-CRITICAL **: 21:56:40.841: gdk_window_thaw_toplevel_updates: assertion 'window->update_and_descendants_freeze_count > 0' failed

      Other than that, nothing happened.


      Last edit: Jason Garlow 2022-08-12
    • Jason Garlow

      Jason Garlow - 2022-08-12

      ahh a process has my terminal busy.

  • MakuluLinux

    MakuluLinux - 2022-08-12

    you are running the system as Root ? that menu is not designed to function under root.

    • Jason Garlow

      Jason Garlow - 2022-08-12

      Earlier I noticed they were root and I changed them to my user under permissions. Other than I haven't touched that.

      • MakuluLinux

        MakuluLinux - 2022-08-12

        it says you are running as root, it literally shows you that its pulling config from root directory. you need to double check why that is.

        • Jason Garlow

          Jason Garlow - 2022-08-12

          ahh I see what you mean [MESSAGE] Loading Pies from "/root/.config/gnome-pie/pies.conf".

          Sorry this is out of my domain. That's really strange. I never put anything in root this is how it installed for me.

        • Jason Garlow

          Jason Garlow - 2022-08-12

          Aha! I know what it is! I did a custom install because I wanted preserve my home and personal files. So the only option it had was root to install it. Hmmm wonder how I can fix that and what else went in there that was not supposed to.

          • MakuluLinux

            MakuluLinux - 2022-08-12

            youll have to reinstall. its the easiest way to fix it, else youll be running around for days trying to reconfigure everything... even yours user is now set as only root ( how you managed to do that i do not even know ).

            • Jason Garlow

              Jason Garlow - 2022-08-12

              Okay so yeah I can get it working now. It had the wrong number for the menu. However, like you said there's no telling what else will be wonky. I guess I'll pull the personal files off and do a clean install. You may want to add the info into the installer that if you don't reformat home and you only format root because you are distro hopping features may not work. I guess this case is closed. Thank you!!! You were very helpful!

    • Jason Garlow

      Jason Garlow - 2022-08-12

      I'm sorry, I just understood what you meant. When I did the command as described at first it did nothing.

  • MakuluLinux

    MakuluLinux - 2022-08-12

    check this video :

  • MakuluLinux

    MakuluLinux - 2022-08-12

    Issue Solved

  • MakuluLinux

    MakuluLinux - 2022-08-12
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: MakuluLinux

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