
MindMap and Knowledgemanager / News: Recent posts

GUI Performance Problem solved !!

We are proud, to have solved the gui performance problem, which rendered the mak unusable (from a certain size on).
The solution processus was the following, three days of headless piano, party, prowsing then 5 short films on arte. And there it was the solution (and it took only 3 lines :)

... it will be publicly availabe soon (as far as I don't receive threatening emails to release fast)


Posted by Richard 2001-03-20

new Version

Version 1.01 is out, now for the first time, languagepacks are available

Posted by Richard 2001-01-05

Code in CVS

The code was put in the CVS.

Posted by Richard 2000-12-29

JDK1.3 needed since Version 1.0 final

For all mak releases use jdk1.3 and up

Posted by Richard 2000-12-29

Release Candidate 2 available

Many changes, mainly in the usability, documentation added as well
see the "public" directory of the downloadable version,
knowledgemanager.todo.tex (what has been done)
knowledgemanager.concept.tex (what will be done)
knowledgemanager.docu.tex (what you can do with it)

Posted by Richard 2000-12-04

First Release Sunday

It's just one day away, that we make the first release.
It will be version 1.0beta, and it will be (besides having still prototype stadium), a power that supremes all other existing mindmap implementations
(We invite everyone to prove to the opposite :)

Posted by Richard 2000-11-25