
#1 Account - Imap Folder Selection


Patch enables choosing a particular imap folder to
retrieve mail from. the ui displays a folder listing
from the imap server on edit, tested against
exchange/courier/hula imap servers.

allows easy integration w/ real user accounts without
monopolizing the entire inbox, with drag and drop
integration from the client side (ie. drop a message
into my tasks folder which mailmanager monitors) and
management entirely through mm (ie no hand editing of
mail in scripts).

status - works well for me on imap, probably could use
additional testing for credential error handling (which
wasn't being done b4 anyways).

adds a column to the accounts table, update is

alter table mm_account add mail_folder TEXT ;

update mm_account set mail_folder = 'INBOX';


  • Kapil Thangavelu

    imap folder patch

  • Peter George

    Peter George - 2005-08-17

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for this Kapil.

    We intend to roll the patch into MailManager 2.1 release.

  • Kapil Thangavelu

    Logged In: YES

    new patch, which includes some additional features..

    account useable as a header
    mass editing category in ticket listing view
    makes the ticket date opened match the date of the first message
    recieved for the ticket

  • Peter George

    Peter George - 2005-08-25

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks Kapil, that's great.


  • Andrew Veitch

    Andrew Veitch - 2005-08-25

    Logged In: YES

    > makes the ticket date opened match the date of the first message
    > recieved for the ticket

    It is intentional that the ticket date opened is different from the date of
    the first message.

    At least two of our customers use performance related pay based on
    how long it takes their staff to reply to tickets. So it would be unfair to
    penalise people when mail gets delayed before it arrives in MailManager.

    If there is a need for ticket dates to be based on the Date header than
    the date the mail is received I think this has to be a configuration option.

    The other parts of the patch look great, thanks.

  • Graeme Mathieson

    Logged In: YES

    <q>At least two of our customers use performance related pay</q>

    Ooh, you mean we could have the first Denial Of Pay attack
    against a piece of software when somebody deliberately sets
    the Date of their message to some time way in the past? :-)

    I can see it being useful in some circumstances for the
    ticket to be opened at the point where the message was sent
    (for example, if it's coming from a trusted source, maybe an
    automated system), but it should definitely be a per-account
    (or maybe in that example a per-sender?) option.


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