
#214 option index for lists


An option index, implemented within Mailman, for each
and every list.

(The wording is due to Brad Knowles; my thanks to him.
I wrote to as below, and he
suggested I enter this RFE.)

(My post:)

I've noticed that a fair number of the questions and
answers on this list follow the pattern

Q: How do I do X?
A: Look in ....
Q: Aha! Thanks, I didn't know it was there.

And as an owner of a number of lists, though not a
sysadmin, I've fairly often had the experience of "Now,
where the heck was that feature the last time I used
it? ... Not there... it's not there either... OK, let's
go through the option pages one by one. ... ... ... Oh,
THERE you are, you little devil!"

One way to solve this problem would be an index.
Another would be a wiki.

(Brad Knowles replied:)

That's a good idea -- An option index, implemented
within Mailman, for each and every list.

We do have the Mailman FAQ Wizard (see
<>), which
works much like many wikis, but that is obviously not
enough. Nor is the other online documentation linked
under <>. Sigh....


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