

Mahasona Game Engine

Screen shot (Ubuntu 11.10)


Screen shot (Windows 7)


Mahasona Engine is a Game engine written on top of OpenGL renderer. Currently no official release but svn repository. Includes a example application. Please find the wiki page for howto's


Graphics Engine (On top of OpenGL Rendered)

  1. Scene Graph (attach a node to another node, changing the parent node) Now draw everything based on scene graph structure using hierarchical tree traversal, parent node transformation update while traversal. No recursive update for each node)
  2. Multiple States support (Menu State/Game State/Option State)
  3. Loading 3D models (setting transformation, multiple textures, colors)
  4. Skeleton Animation
  5. Particle System (setting gravity, xyz velocity, starting shape, color, texture, etc...)
  6. Fog Effect (Linear, Exp, Exp2)
  7. Sky Box
  8. Creating Manual meshes
  9. Camera System
  10. Some basic shapes like Cubes, Pyramid, Plane, etc... (setting transformation, textures, colors)
  11. Input Handler for KeyBoard and Mouse

Physics Wrapper for Nvidia Physx SDK

  1. Collision Detection
  2. Creating the convex mesh or Triangle mesh for a 3D model/Manual meshes and Basic shapes
  3. Custom materials for shapes

GUI Engine

It's own GUI System

  1. Buttons, Images
  2. Setting sizes, positions (Resize widow handle automatically or manually)
  3. Custom event bindings for the gui component (eg - mouse down/up/over/out for button)
  4. Event handling is done inside
  5. Custom layout defining
  6. Multiple gui windows support

Many to come...