
Failing to fetch/parse seemingly good feed

  • PaulClements

    PaulClements - 2005-07-18

    I was trying to add feeds from IGN earlier and discovered that none of them would work. I'm guessing its something to do with objects in the XML that magpie doesnt like too much (most likely non-compliant). However the feed is fine according to and so I don't quite understand where it is going wrong. I'm also not being given an error to indicate where it is going wrong (although i'm sure i was in the past!). I am a newb to magpie so any help/explaination is greatly appreciated. Here is an example feed from IGN:

    The version of magpie i'm using has not been modified at all and I'm using it in conjunction with feed2js.

    Thanks for any help/advice on this.


    • Andy Alt

      Andy Alt - 2005-10-14

      I've seen that before. It says in the docs somewhere that Magpie won't read every type of feed, regardless of validity. So far, I have been able to use it for most every feed I try. I use it all over my site at

      I would try a couple different feeds, to make sure it's set up properly. That's about all you can do until there's another update.


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