
MegaZeux-like Advanced Game Environment / News: Recent posts

MAGE-gcs 0.03 released!

Finally, after much procrastination, it gives me great pleasure to announce the pre-alpha release 0.03.

With this release, MAGE-gcs is beginning to take shape, and is now basically functional. Robots have been implemented (with a flimsy but usable Mage-Robotic parser in place), and a basic array of commands such as send, message and gotoxy are already available. A map editor is now included, and it is hoped that the rest of the world editor won't be too far away.... read more

Posted by Matt Windsor 2008-12-24

Still making progress >.>

Since 0,02, mage SVN has seen the start of robot implementation, which means that, as soon as 0.03 is released, some basic game functionality will be available.

Also to be introduced in 0.03 is the map editor, which currently allows one to edit the maps in an existing MAGE world. Eventually the ability to create a new world will be added in.

I think the versioning system is a bit underestimating, though. By the time MAGE is feature-complete, it'll only be like v0.09 or something :P

Posted by Matt Windsor 2008-07-17

MAGE-gcs 0.02, BrahMatt removed

MAGE-gcs 0.02 has been released. We are now nearing a usable game framework, with robots now partially implemented. Targets for 0.03 include:

* adding enough new features to mage-robotic to allow simple games to be created;

* creating the MAGE-gcs Standard Library framework;

* the addition of documentation.

With this release, MAGE-gcs has now far surpassed the amount of functionality in BrahMatt, and has already included some functions that MegaZeux is lacking (But it's still far from usable).... read more

Posted by Matt Windsor 2008-03-31

BrahMatt is now MAGE-gcs; MAGE-gcs 0.01 win32 released

NOTE: The Win32 release contains both a py2exe binary compile, containing the libraries required to test on Win32, and the Win32 version of (the Python source file) in the source/ directory, which is included in order to satisfy the GPL and to allow the Win32 version to be tested in Python.

After a long hiatus, it has been decided that C and SDL are not the best platforms to build a GCS on from scratch, on the amount of experience I have. Thus, I have decided to reimplement BrahMatt in Python, using Pygame, OcempGUI and LibXML2, and rename it to MegaZeux-like Advanced Game Environment, or MAGE-gcs for short.... read more

Posted by Matt Windsor 2008-01-20

Not totally dead and buried yet

Although BrahMatt is currently in a state of dormancy due, quite honestly, to a make-freezing error in the subversion.

I already have quite a few ideas for BM should the problem be resolved:

1) XML-based file formats, just like ajs recommended

2) A slightly redesigned BMUI that should allow for greater flexibility UI-wise.

Also, I'm thinking of specifically designing BMUI as a library that can be reused in other SDL projects, should BrahMatt totally die. This would mean abstracting BM-specific code and placing it in a front-end.

Posted by Matt Windsor 2007-07-17

Subversion is up

I have uploaded the very latest BrahMatt source to the Subversion trunk. As of now there some major bugs with the trunk, but now that it's up there, collaborative development should be a lot easier.

Feel free to check it out sometime (excuse the pun), and remember: If it's broken in Subversion, fix it yourself! (And if it's broken in a release version, use the bug tracker.)

Posted by Matt Windsor 2007-05-16

Welcome to BrahMatt!

I have finally decided to make a home for BrahMatt on SourceForge. Here, it will be a lot easier to share code, publicise the project, and hopefully not drain off my box43 account :D

For those of you that haven't followed the pre-SourceForge history of BrahMatt, the project started here:

I've decided to retroactively add BrahMatt 0.03, the current finished milestone, to the SF repos. 0.04 is currently in development and will be released soon.

Posted by Matt Windsor 2007-05-15