

Matthias Karl

Welcome to the Multicomponent Aerosol Formation model MAFOR

The basic gas phase chemistry and aqueous phase chemistry is based on the recent version of the “Module Efficient Calculating the Chemistry of the Atmosphere (MECCA)” (Sander et al., 2011). The kinetic pre-processor KPP version 2.2.3 (Sandu and Sander, 2006; KPP Software) is used to generate Fortran 90 code for the chemistry module. The Rosenbrock ROS3 solver with automatic time step control is used to integrate the differential equation system of gas phase and aqueous phase reactions. In short, MAFOR is the coupling of the (dynamically generated) chemistry module from MECCA and a new aerosol dynamics module. The treatment of aerosol dynamics is based on the concepts by M. Z. Jacobson described in his book “Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modeling” (Jacobson, 2005). The MAFOR model offers great flexibility to the user who may decide about the included aerosol processes, the included chemistry, the size resolution of the model aerosol and many other parameters of the simulation.

A list of references for the MAFOR model can be found here: [References].

A detailed model description of MAFOR (version 1.0) is provided in the following article:

Karl, M., Gross, A., Pirjola, L., and C. Leck, A new flexible multicomponent model for the study of aerosol dynamics in the marine boundary layer, Tellus B, 63(5), 1001-1025, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2011.00562.x, 2011. Available at:

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