
MaestroSBT going open source

We're looking for developers/testers/documenters/technical support to join the project with some (or most) of the following:

- Some time to dedicate to the project.
- C++ skills (Visual C++ 2003, MFC, nothing too fancy).
- Attention to details: algorithms are quite complex and might be broken easily.
- Decent knowledge of DVD technologies and will to learn some more.
- Commitment to serve a community of users who are not always grateful. ;)
- Willing to respect existing export formats, and introduce some more.

If you are not a developer, you can be tester, documenter or technical support. Your work will be always welcomed. In this case, attention to details and good communication skills are good assets.

If you think you're up to the task, send some lines to any of the project admins telling us what you know, what you think you could do in the team and what amount of time do you think you're willing to give to the project (and for how long).

Posted by Guillermo Prandi 2005-09-05

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