
Machine Log / News: Recent posts

Should I port this to MySQL as well?

The .NET parts would probably be easy. The VB6 logger would likely be a bit more difficult. Anyone care?

Posted by BenHanson 2005-10-28


Currently adding table for security info(passwords) Right click on user log result to return password history. As such, I changed my setup to use NT authentication. Basically just had to change the connection string in config.ini, drop the user/pass info and add "Integrated Security=SSPI", then do proper security setup in MSSQL(Add a role, assign a group to the role, add a user to the group) I left the machinelog SQL account in place with insert rights, since the logging component acts before user authentication. Also adding facility for importing a l0pht session to bulk add passwords. May also add a secondary authentication when selecting the contextual menu.

Posted by BenHanson 2005-09-18

New machinelog logging component

Release of logging component is out. Username/pass/db/server is no longer hard coded into the vb6 app. It now takes command line arguments or config.ini, and some combinations of both. It also can be run from a command prompt and actually gives some console feedback.

Posted by BenHanson 2005-08-16

machinelog release forthcoming

I'll be releasing an updated machinelog shortly. This version will accept command line arguments or a config file, so I can release a Win32 binary. This should make it a bit easier for someone to try this out.

Posted by BenHanson 2005-08-11