
MacGolf / News: Recent posts

Trac Roadmap

I have a roadmap of MacGolf up now on Trac. See the Hosted Apps link for Trac or just use this link:

The schedule may be too aggressive, but at least I've gotten in broken down into milestones to shoot for.

Posted by Jay Atkinson 2009-04-11

More progress

In a effort to speed up development, I have switched the project to start using the Zope Object Database for storing data. Conceptually it fits my way of thinking better for storing data. I can create true objects in code without having to think in 2 dimensions for relational database. That was my biggest hangup, since I think in object oriented code more than databases. The beauty of ZODB is that it can have relational database backends, so when I'm ready to interface with something like MySQL or Postresql, it be a matter of pointing the code in the right direction with minimal changes.

Posted by Jay Atkinson 2009-04-02

Slow progress

I'm started to make some more time for this. I figured out some of my dynamic creation problems. I hope to have a working prototype soon.

Posted by Jay Atkinson 2009-03-17

Another year

Okay, well I didn't make it to the end of 2007, but 2008 looks a little brighter. Since I'm new to the database world, I've been trying to understand a better way to generate dynamic tables, since this app will need it. I'll need tables created for each player to keep record of their scores and handicaps and also each match will need to be a table. I believe SQLAlchemy is going to give me what I need with better ease than SQLObject.... read more

Posted by Jay Atkinson 2008-01-16

So it begins!

Day one of MacGolf. I hope to have more info related to planning and design phases (roadmap) that I've already have spent time doing. I've been rolling this around in the back of my brain, and have not done enough coding over the past year. I hope to get this done by the end of the year. Done as in fairly stable condition. More features can come later.

All help will be appreciated, especially when the first release is out!

Posted by Jay Atkinson 2007-08-28