FlyingWindmill - 2008-07-02

Version 3.0 contains the latest (Glutton) FreeSCI 0.6.4 binary. It also includes a preference panel to set some advanced freesci settings (such as full screen).

Release mail from 0.6.4:
FreeSCI 0.6.4 has been released; this release supersedes all previous
releases. 0.6.4 is mostly a bugfix release, finally rendering most
SCI0 games beatable (SCI0 games that have been confirmed to be
beatable include LSL2, LSL3, QfG1/HQ and SQ3).

Even though 0.6.4 is not quite as stable as our previous stable
branch, we have decided to have it replace the stable branch due to
potentially unclean code (code that may have been derived directly
from SCI interpreter disassembly). Since FreeSCI is intended as a
clean-room re-implementation of Sierra SCI, we do not permit such code
in our code base.

FreeSCI 0.6.4 further includes some improvements to the audio
subsystem, but please note that all of these still require manual
source code changes in order to be enabled:

   * MT-32 emulator support (Walter) (note that this requires MT-32
     ROM files)
   * General MIDI support for SCI1 games
   * a CAMD MIDI driver for newer AmigaOS versions

Meanwhile, please enjoy 0.6.4, and report any bugs you find to the
bug tracker!